Flying a baby


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
I’ll be flying a baby, GA tmrw.
30# child (age unknown) & mother
1.5hrs leg, @low 30’s, cabin alt prob 7000’
110°F departure airport, 85°arrival

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Car seat, right, no booster seats?
Facing rearward best?

If the little guy takes a dump, that’s what the guarded Cabin Dump switch is for right?, never studied that much.
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when mine was that spec, car seat in back with mom.

Once he could reach the controls....see profile pic. :)

an iPad with headphones is useful for distraction.

Pee goes in a Gatorade bottle, dumps in a plastic bag. when mine was about 18 months and ditching the diaper, we let him pee directly in the bottle. He cracked up thought it was the funniest thing ever, mom not so much. It backfired though. on every single flight for years he "had to go"....
Check with the airline n
Car seat facing forward, baby headphone ear protection and toys, books, water, bottle and snacks. Consumer bluetooth noise cancelling headphones to a spare ipad. Fresh diaper when loading up. Mama in the back longer legs. Put the headphones on when they are asleep. I keep the ears in the car and make them wear it from time to time so they keep them on in the plane but it's probably too late for all that. My kids like to color, flip through books, and we bought a toy digital camera for my daughter and she loves to take pictures. They eat snacks and water. 2 hour legs unless they sleep. My 2 kids, 4 years old and 20 months old, love to fly and been flying since they were 4 weeks old.
Honestly, I would not fly with infants. They have no way to tell you about sinus or ear blocks.
Same technique as that for transporting a cat. Duct tape it to a strut.
Honestly, I would not fly with infants. They have no way to tell you about sinus or ear blocks.
It is true that infants can't tell you those things, but I have also never seen a human infant that weighs 30 lbs. I was a big baby and I was 10 lbs. Most likely, based on weight, the child is 1-3 years old, and old enough to express pain in a way that at least his mother will understand.
Probably can’t hear them from the luggage compartment. Just sayin