Elon does not read this forum, apparently

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The FAA is considering an unmanned flight a change of payload and therefore requires a fresh review to ensure no people will be harmed by an unmanned flight spashing down in the middle of the ocean.
The 'investigations', leading to new mandated requirements, leading to disagreements over procedures, leading to fines seems to be related more to the person's change in their support of a leadership faction than anything related to 'safety'. I believe the 'safety' excuse is simply a ruse to cover for payback, as the principle architect of the entire launch systems' socio-economic value proposition has recently been altered significantly.

A change in the chemistry of rocket fuel is something that should be left to the best chem engineers, and not the domain of fed regulators. Unless, or until someone can point to this change being more unsafe than the prev chem properties - of rocket fuel(notoriously unstable in many cases).
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Unions exist to protect people with relatively easily replaceable skills by organizing them into large groups that, unlike individuals, are not so easily replaceable ( as long as said groups act in unison ) - it is a form of institutional blackmail ( actually a labor equivalent of business monopolies ) that , while noble in its original design, often ends up promoting mediocrity by equally protecting and sheltering lackluster as well as exceptional workers - so I am not sure what is your point ….
You really want the world to be simple, so you can slap your broad brush across great swaths and not hassle yourself with pesky details. There are lots of union employees in highly skilled positions, making them difficult to replace, so that statement is plainly silly. Incidentally, I don’t have a problem with “unskilled labor” (go try their jobs- let’s see how you do) having good representation, too. They’re spending their lives working, why shouldn’t they be represented and get treated decently?

The union’s purpose is to allow negotiation as a body with management. That’s it, that’s all. If management mistreats members, a solution is negotiated. If pay and working conditions require a change, that is negotiated.
Because capitalism only yields good for the masses, and not just the boss, when regulated (trust me, we’ve tried the other way), organized labor just makes sure those who actually make the money through our sweat get a fair share, as we should.

Proud UNION airline captain
If you run space rockets for half of the world , slim as it may be, there is a chance you may be able to get somewhere with suing the FAA - don’t get your hopes too high though … military , FAA , whatever it is - they all are just glorified, and just as inefficient, DMV employees.
Agreed percent
Hi everyone.
I will try my best to keep things simple so that everyone understands my opinion.
I've lived / worked union and lived / worked communism.
Union is a different / one form of Communism.
They are close, or maybe already did, to destroying (destroy) this country.
If you are qualified, hard worker, and competent you Do Not need Union.
Go to school improve yourself and become a productive member of this Country.
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