Dyno Don Flies


Line Up and Wait
Aug 31, 2021
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Finally! That was fun to watch
first off, i was glad to see it fly.congratulations. BUT, there are a few things that make me cringe about this video. first, climbing into a unproven, un-flown aircraft and doing a first flight in a pair of shorts and a tee shirt is A VERY dumb idea. best idea, nomex, but at least long sleeve cotton shirt, cotton pants, leather shoes. be prepared for fire the best you can on first flight. second, i realize close to sunset may give you calm winds, but it does not give you time if there is a problem that takes a while to solve. 3 seven tenth of an hour is two long for a first flight, take off stay close to the airport, check control response, check slow speed characteristics, do not do full stalls, find where the indication of stall is and use that to calculate a safe approach speed. i would prefer to see a helmet and chute, but i understand that in that aircraft that is probably impossible. please people, take first flights very seriously, plan for the worst, plan out a short written test card and follow it.
I admit I also got a tight feeling in my gut when I saw how late in the day it was, and how far he was willing to go from the airport at low altitude. I hadn't considered nomex, or a chute. Then again I'm watching from the sidelines, with zero skin in the game.
Thats incredible. My takeaway? Start sooner! A huge project like that would be so much sweeter if i could finish it before Im too old to fly. Not that Don is too old or even close, but if it took him a dozen years, I could expect twice that thanks to my personality flaws!
Wow, those things are tiny!