Allowing CFI to fly my plane

I am named as additional insured on a Warrior that is owned by the family of a pilot who died of Covid a few years ago. It was his pride and joy, and the family does not want to sell it, but none are pilots. So, I and one other local pilot fly it from time to time. The family pays insurance and maintenance, and hangar rent, and we just pay for the fuel when we use it. They have also invested in some improvements.

I also carry liability insurance for flying non-owned airplanes.

When we train someone in their personal airplane, we require the school to be named as additional insured with a waiver of subrogation. The only exception is for a Flight Review, where the exposure is pretty limited.
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My experience has been that the insurance premium is based on the highest-risk named pilot. If you buy an Arrow and have 10 hours in type and no instrument rating, you can add me as a named pilot basically for free. If you have an instrument rating and 100 hours in your 172, though, they will probably raise your premiums to add me. I don’t know how they handle the flight instructor certificate in their math, but you might be able to name your CFI buddy as an insured on your policy for nothing or next to it.