Venezuela (Maduro) may have to rent planes for now


Jul 6, 2011
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Rebel Flyer

The US seized Venezuelan “President” Maduro’s official state plane in the Dominican Republic and flew it to Florida!!!

Nice shot across the bow to a Banana Republic despot dictator who has run Venezuela into the dirt. The current government is so corrupt that Venezuelans are heading for the border in record levels. If they had an honest election and had replaced Maduro then the country would be one of the more successful in South America. Their oil business was very successful until the current leader and his cronies ran it for themselves and turned a wealthy country into one headed in a downward spiral. It appears that Maduro was losing the latest elections until all of a sudden he ordered to counting stopped and declared himself the winner again.

Hopefully this may lead towards regime change for their country. It’s been a sad story that hasn’t had much play outside of South Florida where many of the Venezuelan exiles and refugees ended up.
Maybe now the people will be able to start seeing an end to some of the corruption!

For example

Cliff’s Notes version

The situation in Venezuela has had implications for US politics as millions flee the country, many of whom have chosen to migrate to the US-Mexico border.

For years, US officials have sought to disrupt the flow of billions of dollars to the regime. Homeland Security Investigations — the second largest investigative agency in the federal government — has seized dozens of luxury vehicles, among other assets, heading to Venezuela.

In March 2020, the US Department of Justice charged Maduro, together with 14 current and former Venezuelan officials, with narco-terrorism, drug trafficking and corruption.

In 2017, two nephews of Maduro’s wife Cilia Flores were sentenced to 18 years in prison by a federal court in New York City for trying to smuggle up to 800 kilograms of cocaine into the United States on a private jet; the two were later released by the United States in a prisoners’ exchange in 2022.

“We see these officials and the Maduro regime basically fleecing the Venezuelan people for their own gain,” the US official said. “You have people who can’t even afford a loaf of bread there and then you have the president of Venezuela jetting around in a high-class private jet.”
It is horrible to see what has happened to Venezuela. The wife and I spent close to 2 years there in the early 2000's on a boat. When 9/11 happened, some locals opened their house for several of us to watch the news. Others would come up to us in town and express how sorry they were that it happened. The people and country were beautiful then.

Yes, there were places we would not go back then but the states are the same. I would not go there now except maybe some of the outer islands.
So where does the airplane go now. Just asking
I'm not much on international politics, but taking his plane, but not him, sounds like a warning shot to me.