MedExpress and FAA Telling Me Different Info


Filing Flight Plan
Aug 23, 2024
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Hi all,

I’ve got a situation that’s very peculiar to me and I’ve had no luck getting it resolved with anyone from the FAA. Wanted to see if anyone here experienced anything like this.

I took an exam with an AME last year and had to submit some additional information from my primary care physician before I could get approved. My financial situation changed shortly after the exam so I had to delay the idea of flying for a while. Ended up submitting the required info from my doctor back in May.

After I submitted, everything seemed to be updating fairly soon after they received it. It showed that it was Under Review, then Final Review, and now in my MedExpress account it clearly shows that I’ve been issued a Class 3 medical certificate. It even mentions that I have to wear prescription lenses, which is true because I used them in my AME exam.

Fast forward, it’s been two months since it first showed that I was issued one and nothing. So I called the FAA and they have no evidence that one has been issued to me, and every one of the agents gives me a slightly different answer. One said I’m waiting on a Physician to sign off, one says the document from my doctor has been received but I’m still in review, one says they didn’t see anything past the initial exam I did.

Just wanted to see if anyone else went through anything like this and if you found a way out of it. To me it seems like someone forgot to update my file, but they deny that that could happen.



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Contact your regional flight surgeon's office. I seem to get better answers out of them than Jokelahoma City.
@Jon Wilder Thx you’re probably right, that might be my best bet. I called them once and they had more information than JOKC at least, but their hands seemed more tied on what they could do. More willing to help as well.

@bbchien Maybe they’ll look into it if I do that, unlike the other several times I called them. Never know!