South Carolina Breakfast Club 8/18 @ Triple Tree SC00 NO excuses attendance mandatory if you live in the United States not just for Southeast peeps

Important note

Triple Tree is asking anyone planning to attend the SCBC on August 18 to Pre-Register on their web site ( Tickets may be purchased until Saturday, August 17 at 2pm EDT. Pre-registration ticket prices: $15/adult, $7/child (7-12). Tickets purchased after 2pm on August 17: $20/adult, $10/child (7-12). Children 6 and under are Free.
Last minute decision. I'm out. It's been an extra busy week for an old guy. Basically, as much as I want to go to Triple Tree, just too tired to get up at 6 am to fly for breakfast. I need my beauty sleep.
Working too hard Mark?

What’s this chit at KTTA? I might not be going either.

Unfortunately I am also going to have to bow out as well. The Sundowner is still in the shop and as fast as my vette is ... she don't fly lol.
They grounded the 182, so I’m out.
Yep, us too. Looks like we may have to miss breakfast since there's fog and low IFR in the area here. The wife and I may do BQ1 for lunch after the clouds lift.
image.jpgLow IFR over SC00. I’m close but there’s no legal way to get in, so going somewhere east where’s there is some clear weather.
Low IFR over SC00. I’m close but there’s no legal way to get in, so going somewhere east where’s there is some clear weather.
It should lift. Yeah, it 500 OVC at LUX but the MOS says it should be clear. I guess it some point, the Tem/Dewpoint spread will increase.

Y'know, we really should just plan to do one of these together.
It should lift. Yeah, it 500 OVC at LUX but the MOS says it should be clear. I guess it some point, the Tem/Dewpoint spread will increase.

Y'know, we really should just plan to do one of these together.

I was thinking about that yesterday and then saw you were out. At some point we will connect
There absolutely is a legal way to get in ;)

You could do an approach at KLUX to get under the ceiling, but the ceiling was varying between 1100-1300 and field elevation is 680. At times there wasn’t 500’ of ground clearance. Not my idea of fun.

I saw nobody fly an approach.
How many people actually attended? I flew to Charlotte to get my plane back from annual yesterday but it was low IFR in Atlanta this morning and the forecast did not look good for SC.
Their Facebook page posted that they had 300 people and over 100 airplanes.