Stratus transponder


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Oct 22, 2008
mass fla
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ron keating
Have a stratus transponder,that not reporting altitude. Function button shows no pressure altitude. Any ideas thanks.
The stratus only gets its altitude from RS232 or Gray code. Given that you are getting no pressure altitude (as opposed to erroneous), I would guess that either your encoder lost power/died or your RS232 feed (to the encoder or whatever it was connected to for altitude) got disconnected (broken wire, etc). Do you know anything about how it’s wired, where the encoder is?
Ryan has probably hit the bullseye on this. It is most likely the blind encoder or wiring for same. I am going through the same thing with my Stratus Xponder and antique blind encoder. They have an encoder ready to put in once I get it over to the avionics shop.
Thanks changed out the encoder all is well.
Ryan has probably hit the bullseye on this. It is most likely the blind encoder or wiring for same. I am going through the same thing with my Stratus Xponder and antique blind encoder. They have an encoder ready to put in once I get it over to the avionics shop.
Well dang. ATC was seeing me 200 feet higher than my altimeter reading. Had it adjusted, but just today it slipped again. Tech says the encoder needs replaced; it’s old and not even made anymore. Should have been replaced by previous owner who put in the Stratus transponder. So I’m getting a new encoder.

I had thought the encoder was part of / came with a new transponder, since it has to have one in order to work. Learn something new everyday.
I like an ACK 30.9 with Mode S transponders in particular, and with any transponder that accepts RS232, like your Stratus. Power, ground and 1 wire to the transponder, connect the static line and it's ready for testing. And there is another RS232 out for a navigator if desired. Bonus is you can get down to 10' resolution on alt for the squitter output in mode S
Real pilots fly with either a GTX-345 or GNX-375. :stirpot:
I guess I'm not a real pilot then!

You're all good. Being from Wyoming you're all grandfathered into the real pilots club. :thumbsup: I fly through Casper once a year and stop for a burger, baked potato and a beer at The Fort. One of the best burger and baked potato I've ever had. All 3 times is was consistently good!
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