ER visit for chest pain



Went to ER for chest pain few months ago they found nothing wrong gave me acid pill pain went away likely was heart burn eating spicing food. They referred me to a cardiologist anyway did a stress test passed no issue he agreed likely heart burn. He wanted me to get a CT Calcium score.

I had read here and other place on the internet that to pass a FAA medical the CT calcium score test results had to be 0 anything above that would trigger more testing requirements. I didn't get the CT Calcium score the cardiologist wrote in his notes that I didn't get the test done.

Will the FAA require that I get the CT Calcium test done because that doctor wanted me to? Even my own PC said the CT calcium score wasn't really useful because they won't do anything unless it's 70% blocked everyone over age 50 likely have some calcium found.
FWIW ... I highly recommend getting the CT Calcium scoring test done. It's quick, simple, and it may show nothing at all or it may show the need for treatment or medication. Don't guess at why you are having discomfort in your chest.
If you get an agatson score of 3 400 you get a stress demand. If you are first class or second class, it’s a stress nuclear…..
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For your specific scenario you need to report the visit to the ER and what the result was. You'll need to be able to articulate it to your AME, but it sounds like a bad bout of heartburn/indigestion. You also need to report the trip to the cardiologist, but similarly it seems like it was preventative in nature and that you don't have a heart condition. If you do the CT calcium score you should report it as a medical appointment. Depending on the results and the recommendations that follow will drive what happens next.

Overall, you should not be so scared of losing your medical that you avoid getting medical care. If you do have a problem, that just becomes something to focus on to improve your health and then you can get your medical back. People are back flying a couple of months after a heart attack if they recover well.
Depending on the type of flying you do, I'd consider getting Basic Med as an immediate back-up, then getting the CT calcium score and deciding what to do from there. You can evaluate your options once you know how the FAA may handle the findings, which includes the option to just fly under Basic Med without running a risk of a denial or a potentially prolonged and maybe expensive work-up.

You can manage your health and your medical certificate simultaneously with very little risk to either in the process, and without restriction on your Private Pilot privileges. There are highly knowledgeable people here who can help guide you through the process.
For your specific scenario you need to report the visit to the ER and what the result was. You'll need to be able to articulate it to your AME, but it sounds like a bad bout of heartburn/indigestion. You also need to report the trip to the cardiologist, but similarly it seems like it was preventative in nature and that you don't have a heart condition. If you do the CT calcium score you should report it as a medical appointment. Depending on the results and the recommendations that follow will drive what happens next.

Overall, you should not be so scared of losing your medical that you avoid getting medical care. If you do have a problem, that just becomes something to focus on to improve your health and then you can get your medical back. People are back flying a couple of months after a heart attack if they recover well.

I don't have a medical currently never have attempted to get one. My question is will the FAA require the test because I didn't get it done like he wanted me to. The other reason is I don't want to be radiated with a years worth of radiation from a CT scanner for nothing.

He only wanted one because my cholesterol was borderline on a calculation he did if I should be taking a stantin or not because I asked if I should be on a stantin. I changed my diet only eat saturated fats once a week now instead of most days.
Went to ER for chest pain few months ago they found nothing wrong gave me acid pill pain went away likely was heart burn eating spicing food.
It doesn't sound like they found nothing wrong, it sounds like they found acid reflux and treated you accordingly. You should report this ER visit, and the diagnosis on your application. Question 18.i. asks about stomach trouble. Question 18.g. asks about heart trouble, but there's no question about chest pain.
They referred me to a cardiologist anyway did a stress test passed no issue he agreed likely heart burn. He wanted me to get a CT Calcium score.
You should report this visit on your application. You've already reported the diagnosis, but that's the reason for your visit.
I had read here and other place on the internet that to pass a FAA medical the CT calcium score test results had to be 0 anything above that would trigger more testing requirements. I didn't get the CT Calcium score the cardiologist wrote in his notes that I didn't get the test done.
There's no place on the application to report tests you haven't had done.

Fill out the application, answering the actual questions it asks and not volunteering any information. Find an experienced senior AME who will do a consultation. Take him the completed application and have a conversation about any issues. He should ask you all the questions that would come up in an actual exam and let you know any obstacles.
If you get an agatson score of 300 you get a stress demand. If you are first class or second class, it’s a stress nuclear…..
What if you get a agaston score below 300? Is a nuclear required? Anything else required?
if it's > 100 and below 400 (sorry 300 was a typo) and you're first class/2nd class it's annual stress TM echoes.
If it's < 100 it's disregarded.

OTher items: visit to cardiologist, Fasting glucose and lipids.

equal to or above 400- 1st.2nd is an immediate cath.
Third-it's a stress TM nuke EACH YEAR.
if it's > 100 and below 400 (sorry 300 was a typo) and you're first class/2nd class it's annual stress TM echoes.
If it's < 100 it's disregarded.

OTher items: visit to cardiologist, Fasting glucose and lipids.

equal to or above 400- 1st.2nd is an immediate cath.
Third-it's a stress TM nuke EACH YEAR.
Ok copy that. Sorry, many numbers. 1st or 2nd class physical. So you get a CTC and score is 200. That means you get a Nuclear Test. If that nuclear test is successful, you’re good to go…but you get your fasting glucose, lipid panel, see a cardiologist then you take all that to your AME? ….and every year thereafter, you need to do a regular stress test (non nuclear?)?

This is all confusing, so I’m just making sure i understand what you wrote sir. Thanks again
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I went in for chest pain a few years ago. Had the CT scan and EKGs spent the night at the hospital and the cardiologist came in to visit with me. Like you, he ruled out any cardio related issues....and it was diagnosed as GERD. I since had the bario tests and was prescribed PPI (protein pump inhibitors) and I took those for 6-8 months....that was helpful to heal my esophagus. With diet changes....I'm now good without any meds.

After all that, I listed these events on the following medical....and the AME shrugged and signed me off for a Second Class. There were no requests for additional tests.
Better make sure they know what they're doing.

All this workup was OUTSIDE our facility as insurance frowns on visiting your own facility (we own it).

My wife had an "Irregular EKG" that was repeated with "I think we see something" at cardiology that turned into Nuclear Stress Test resulting in possible previous infarct area. I work in the imaging field, the cardiologist that worked for us prior to retiring had a TON of experience and stated "probably diaphragmatic artifact" and completely normal ... final angiogram demonstrated complete normal. All in with deductibles in end of 2022 and beginning of 2023, that first EKG cost us near 8k to find out "everything ok" ...:mad::mad::mad::rolleyes:
…which is why you need to
Not get fat
Watch what you eat
Stay active
Control of hypertension
Watch your cholesterol.

You’re going to do that anyway. So, why get a Coronary CT. Just do the above….anyway….
I got a new GP kept hassling me about the CAC score test because it was in my notes that I hadn't gotten one. I got it done everything was zero except for Left anterior descending artery was 13 total calcium score is 13 no mention about agatson I'm assuming my Agatson score is 13 less then 100 should be good.
What about with BasicMed if your score is over 400?

That would be up to your doctor. Mine said if it was 400 he would be sending me to the hospital. It wasn't.

Eat well, stay active.