Where in the world can I find a HIMS Psychiatrist?

My HIMS AME has a team he works with in Atlanta. The whole P&P exam didn't cost much more than your quote for just the psychiatrist. The other benefit is these guys work with Delta fairly regularly. They know the standards.
who is your hims ame
I’d look into Dr. Kenneth Thompson in Pittsburgh. He won’t openly admit on his websites that he’s a HIMS Psychiatrist, but he is. Not sure on the price, but he is for the pilots within the regs and has had no problems in the past challenging Mr. Chesanow over various issues.
Fortunately for many pilots chesanow is no longer the chief psychiatrist.
Bascom Bradshaw, straightforward, $1500, albeit may have been COVID derived, but all done remotely.

Dothan AL.

there are others.
Does anyone have Bascom Bradshaw or another FAA HIMS Psychiatrist info close to Michigan?


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Sounds like a FOIA request would be in order.
I conducted a FOIA request and they sent me the list. It is current as of 7/7/2024. They redacted all the phone numbers under exemption 6, but the names, emails, and postal addresses are all there. These doctors usually respond quicker/better to email anyway, but if you wanted to call one it shouldn't be too hard to find an office phone number via google once you have the name of a given Dr you'd like to be seen by.

Sad that the common citizen had to make a whole FOIA request just to be allowed to see their options for which doctor to choose to pay to appease a certain authoritarian federal agency, yet here we are...


  • 7-7-2024 HIMS Psychiatrist List.pdf
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I conducted a FOIA request and they sent me the list. It is current as of 7/7/2024. They redacted all the phone numbers under exemption 6, but the names, emails, and postal addresses are all there. These doctors usually respond quicker/better to email anyway, but if you wanted to call one it shouldn't be too hard to find an office phone number via google once you have the name of a given Dr you'd like to be seen by.

Sad that the common citizen had to make a whole FOIA request just to be allowed to see their options for which doctor to choose to pay to appease a certain authoritarian federal agency, yet here we are...
How long did they make you wait till they sent it to you? Thanks for posting this. The faa tries to keep it a secret and they can go **** themselves.
How long did they make you wait till they sent it to you? Thanks for posting this. The faa tries to keep it a secret and they can go **** themselves.
They received my FOIA request on 2/20/2024 and they sent their response out to me on 7/2/2024. Sounds like it was within the 20 business day limit to me! What do you guys think?

EDITED to explain that it was postmarked 7/2/2024 but the content of the letter stated that the enclosed list was current as of 7/7/2024. I guess this means that they update the list weekly (or possibly bi-weekly or monthly) on a Monday.
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They received my FOIA request on 2/20/2024 and they sent their response out to me on 7/2/2024. Sounds like it was within the 20 business day limit to me! What do you guys think?

EDITED to explain that it was postmarked 7/2/2024 but the content of the letter stated that the enclosed list was current as of 7/7/2024. I guess this means that they update the list weekly (or possibly bi-weekly or monthly) on a Monday.
The doctors at the faa are all scummy pieces of crap. So is faa legal counsel. Interesting how hard they like to come down on pilots if their regs arent followed down to the T but when it comes to them they just ignore you all day long and violate federal law.
The FOIA was a total waste of time and in fact may damage your case if you manage to track down and out of the blue contact any of these practitioners. Did you really think you could just sleuth out some phone numbers, pick out your favorite and give them a ring? HIMS psychiatrists will not simply take you on without a referral from a HIMS AME, who may or may not give you one or two options. Their careers depend on it. You cannot bypass the system in order to doctor shop, so posting about various doctors does nothing good and in fact possibly damages their credibility if you say anything positive about them. Just don't do it. I won't be posting here again.
I found a HIMS shrink without a referral. Wasn’t any big deal.

So… if they DO make it a big deal, ya gots to wonder why?
I found a HIMS shrink without a referral. Wasn’t any big deal.

So… if they DO make it a big deal, ya gots to wonder why?
I had an airman who went to your guy….FAA barfed on it as he didn’t bother with inclusive records. NO BUENO. We succeeded finally but a GREAT expense 6 months later….

You gotta wonder ‘bout your guy….
Bascomb Bradshaw? Had no problem with his report. How would you know who “my guy” is?
I've been told by the FAA that I need a HIMS Psych eval, but have only been able to find them in the DC area.. at a cost of $4500. My HIMS AME has said he "doesn't know of any" which I'm skeptical of being that he was complaining about them for 10 minutes at my last appointment.

Surely there are more affordable HIMS Psychs out there outside of the DC area? I'm willing to fly just about anywhere.
Are you sure you're working with a HIMS AME or is this perhaps just your AME?

Any HIMS AME should be well aware of this process and give you the contact info for HIMS psychiatrists in your areas of interest.

As stated several times above, it is definitely true we are prohibited from providing the entire master list.
There are certainly more around. I don’t know if it is a big secret or something who these guys are...but I know there is one in the Philly area. Ask your AME for a guy in the Bryn Mawr area of Philly...my eval was FAR cheaper than 4500....but I don’t know if it varies based on what is entailed.
All of the HIMS psychiatrists I use in my local area (SLC, Utah) seem to vary their price based on what is being evaluated/required. There may be some that charge a flat fee for all evals, but this has not been my experience.
Will a HIMS Psychiatrist require you to be referred by a HIMS AME? Or can a regular AME refer you as well? If I were to send an email to one of the psychiatrists on the HIMS Psych list would they require I go through an AME instead of directly contacting them?
Will a HIMS Psychiatrist require you to be referred by a HIMS AME? Or can a regular AME refer you as well? If I were to send an email to one of the psychiatrists on the HIMS Psych list would they require I go through an AME instead of directly contacting them?
Each HIMS Psychiatrist is different in terms of their approach here. There is not a bonafide referral system between HIMS providers, but many of the different providers form professional relationships when they use them a lot. I collaborate a lot with my HIMS psychiatrists and psych/neuropsychologists. Some may want you to have a HIMS AME as a focal point, but sometimes this isn't required. They will definitely want to see your FAA letter and receive your full FAA medical file before seeing you.
Do you expect that prohibition to continue now that the list is in the public domain? Seems pointless.
I checked my magic 8 ball and it said "Ask again later"

But tbh, I'm not sure why everyone is so focused on this point. It's not that difficult to just reach out to a HIMS AME and ask them for a few names in a specific geographic area. I get this request all the time and don't charge anything to provide this information to help an airman. It's easy to find a HIMS AME via the FAA website or AME Foresight.
The FOIA was a total waste of time and in fact may damage your case if you manage to track down and out of the blue contact any of these practitioners. Did you really think you could just sleuth out some phone numbers, pick out your favorite and give them a ring? HIMS psychiatrists will not simply take you on without a referral from a HIMS AME, who may or may not give you one or two options. Their careers depend on it. You cannot bypass the system in order to doctor shop, so posting about various doctors does nothing good and in fact possibly damages their credibility if you say anything positive about them. Just don't do it. I won't be posting here again.
Many of these guys and gals have publicly-facing websites with their email addresses and phone numbers listed for the express purpose of advertising to airmen who are seeking them out "out of the blue" for an evaluation. My letter from the FAA never once specifically mentioned HIMS and never told me to see a HIMS AME for a referral. It just requested an evaluation by any board-certified psychiatrist and vaguely recommended using one with "experience in aerospace psychiatry and/or familiarity with aviation standards." That is their way of saying "it needs to be a HIMS Psychiatrist or we won't accept it" without actually coming out and saying that. They want the appearance of not forcing you into something, but if you do go with a non-HIMS psychiatrist, they almost certainly will not accept it (ask me how I know). Anyway, long before they ever fulfilled my FOIA request and gave me the list, I found a HIMS Psychiatrist near-ish to me (by googling on my own and finding her website and sending her an email) and she was very willing to take me with no referral and I had my records sent to her and we actually had an appointment set up for an evaluation, and then the FAA (in a rare move) decided to simplify things and instead of 2 different offices within the FAA each requiring a different evaluation, they both agreed to accept one report from a HIMS PsychOLOGist. So I cancelled with that HIMS Psychiatrist, and was referred (not by an AME but rather by a Dr employed by the FAA itself) to a HIMS Psychologist. In reality it was less of a referral and more of a "Hey, hit up this lady. She might be willing to conduct the evaluation we need." I was still the first one to make contact with her regarding my case. And she evaluated me, wrote up an awesome report giving me a clean bill of mental health and a few months later I got my medical back. I appreciate your concern but it is quite misplaced.
FYI, it does NOT need to be an HIMS shrink. Ever. If it isn’t, gotta make sure a coupla, not surprisingly, administrative items are covered.

Remember, this ISNT medicine. It’s ADMIN.
I've waited around 11 months to get to this point. Just finally had my first contact with the HIMS Psych.

Is there any anecdotal evidence that once I'm finished meeting with the Doc, and they submit their report, that I will only have to wait 1-2 months instead of another 6-12 for a response?
I've waited around 11 months to get to this point. Just finally had my first contact with the HIMS Psych.

Is there any anecdotal evidence that once I'm finished meeting with the Doc, and they submit their report, that I will only have to wait 1-2 months instead of another 6-12 for a response?
Once your package is submitted to the faa you will most likely be waiting minimum 8 months till the faa makes contact. If you are lucky they will issue the SI in their first correspondence.
11 months is a long time to wait to get in front of the HIMS psych. Did your ame make you wait that long?
My AME retired half way through lol. I currently am AME-less

But it was due to my medical records opening up a can of worms and requiring multiple back and forths
hdub said:
"experience in aerospace psychiatry and/or familiarity with aviation standards." That is their way of saying "it needs to be a HIMS Psychiatrist or we won't accept it" without actually coming out and saying that.
The reason for this is, in 2009 Congress gave both a charge to FAA and gave the authority, to define disease according to their own aviation standards to accomplish no accidents. I'm not saying that's right or it's wrong. But the community psychiatrist has no idea what those definitions are, and so many times the community psychiatrist is just gibberish to the FAS (Federal Air Surgeon).

And now the O-Care secret (not so secret). The is just about no reimbursement to the community Clinical psychiatrist to do an "evaluation". Since you are all liability to him and no reimbursemnt he's $400 an hour. This then, isn't "healthcare", this is "occupational evlauation" for which there is no code and he can do that without getting on the insurance Co's "Bad boy" list.

And then his work (that of the community Clinical psychiatrist) is "gibberish to the Federal Air Surgeon" and you have to go to the HIMS psychiatrist anyways. Not all the time, but just enough so that it doubles the budgetary sting.