430 W will not reset approach fix


Filing Flight Plan
Dec 11, 2017
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So I went to an airport to shoot a few approaches. I shot the RAVLPV 01 with my Trio auto pilot and the Garmin 430 W and it worked perfectly. I had selected an initial approach fix and everything worked as it should. Then press procedure after the approach, and selected a different approach to a different runway told that I wanted vectors to final and when I entered it and connected to the auto pilot, no matter what I would do it was taking me back to the initial approach from the previous approach. Clearly, I was messing something up. What did I do wrong? Thanks.
Have seen this sort of failure due to wiring errors on installation…

Is this new? Do we even know?
What were the autopilot and GNS 430W trying to do? The 430W may have been waiting for you to get vectored to actually intercept the final approach course, or it could have been going direct-to some fix unrelated to the loaded approach for want of any other idea of what you wanted to do. I am not familiar with the Trio autopilot but an autopilot set to Nav mode without a good indication of how to navigate might get confused.

If you can reproduce the behavior, pictures of the GNS 430W screen (the main nav page and the flight plan page) might help others figure out what the unit was trying to do.
So I went to an airport to shoot a few approaches. I shot the RAVLPV 01 with my Trio auto pilot and the Garmin 430 W and it worked perfectly. I had selected an initial approach fix and everything worked as it should. Then press procedure after the approach, and selected a different approach to a different runway told that I wanted vectors to final and when I entered it and connected to the auto pilot, no matter what I would do it was taking me back to the initial approach from the previous approach. Clearly, I was messing something up. What did I do wrong? Thanks.
Did you activate or load?
If you want to use the autopilot during Vectors-to-FInal prior to being established on the final approach course, you would normally put the autopilot in heading mode and use the bug to fly vectors as instructed by ATC. If desired, you can re-couple the autopilot once established if appropriate. RNAV and ILS approaches work differently. Was your second approach an ILS or another RNAV (GPS) approach? When you activate Vectors-to-FInal for an approach you should see a magenta line indicating the extended final approach course.

I'm not a fan of using Vectors-to-Final for approaches because that mode will not display all of the approach fixes. So if ATC changes their mind and clears you to an IAF or some other fix on the approach (been there done that), you are SOL until you reload and activate the entire approach, which is something that you don't want to be fumbling with during the initial approach. If you load the full approach, you can still fly vectors and activate the proper leg of the approach for the final approach phase.
If it was an ILS, the trio cannot fly that type approach.

If it was to a different airport the 430 can't load an approach unless it's the final waypoint in the flight plan.
Did you activate or load?
My money is on this. I don't think this is auto pilot related, as I think I've seen this on a 650xi as well. I simply didn't activate vectors to final after I already had the full approach activated.

Now, if your GNS was indeed activated "Vectors to Final", and it was showing your next way point as the FAF, and your AP was taking you somewhere no longer shown on the GNS, then that is a different problem.
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So I went to an airport to shoot a few approaches. I shot the RAVLPV 01 with my Trio auto pilot and the Garmin 430 W and it worked perfectly. I had selected an initial approach fix and everything worked as it should. Then press procedure after the approach, and selected a different approach to a different runway told that I wanted vectors to final and when I entered it and connected to the auto pilot, no matter what I would do it was taking me back to the initial approach from the previous approach. Clearly, I was messing something up. What did I do wrong? Thanks.
Did you just "Load" the new approach, or did you "Activate" the new approach. Granted if you loaded the approach and then you would have to "activate vectors to final" for the system to use the new approach. If you just load and do not activate, the new approach is loaded at the termination of the old approach.
I can think of several pilot-side errors from failing to load/reload the approach to pressing "activate approach," to loading in a way or at a time when the only choice is "activate" to simply not confirming that the flight plan sequence is where you want or expect it to be. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

IOW, without seeing it or attempting to recreate it, there's no way to tell, except to say that the AP only does what you have told it to do (either directly or through your GPS programming).