Childhood ADHD


Filing Flight Plan
Aug 3, 2024
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i need advice on what to do. i’ve been wanting to be a pilot for years now but the medical has always scared me. i’m 23 years old but as the title suggests, i got diagnosed with ADHD as a kid (i think around 3rd gradeish) i only took medication until 4th grade, i don’t remember what it was or anything. Will the FAA be able to look that far back? please help
if there is no subsequent jump back on to meds, and you dont have any other mental health related issues, you are well within the ADHD fast track. take a look at the fast track path - and get everything done that is on there (requires a board level psych doc summary/evaluation). And it is possible they can issue during your medical.
Personally, I don't find the FAA medical route to be worth the trip.
Given the (likely, but not guaranteed) expansion of the Sport Pilot privileges from the MOSAIC proposal, for sure not worth it if you have "issues" and don't have the need to carry more than one passenger.

13 minutes and 53 seconds (not counting the pre-video advertising, or half that if you play at 2x speed) of your life that you will never get back.
if there is no subsequent jump back on to meds, and you dont have any other mental health related issues, you are well within the ADHD fast track. take a look at the fast track path - and get everything done that is on there (requires a board level psych doc summary/evaluation). And it is possible they can issue during your medical.
what if i just “forget” to declare it on question 18 ? since i haven’t taken medication in over 10 years, as a minor, wouldn’t prescriptions be on my parents insurance and not me ? don’t medical records get discarded after 5-7 years (or after you become an adult?) realistically, how can the FAA find out
what if i just “forget” to declare it on question 18 ? since i haven’t taken medication in over 10 years, as a minor, wouldn’t prescriptions be on my parents insurance and not me ? don’t medical records get discarded after 5-7 years (or after you become an adult?) realistically, how can the FAA find out
Then you are a dishonest lowlife person lying on a federal form committing a felony. No respect from me and hope you fail miserably…. Lol
what if i just “forget” to declare it on question 18 ? since i haven’t taken medication in over 10 years, as a minor, wouldn’t prescriptions be on my parents insurance and not me ? don’t medical records get discarded after 5-7 years (or after you become an adult?) realistically, how can the FAA find out
"Forgetting" to declare it is a felony. I wouldn't recommend that path. Are you planning on becoming a career pilot? If you are, you won't want your future job security to rest on a lie you made (resulting in the complete loss of your entire career if discovered). If you aren't, limiting yourself to sport pilot is much preferable to lying on a federal form - unless, of course, you're okay with the potential future of being charged with a felony. I don't know how the FAA finds stuff out, but it certainly can. And especially with digital records as the norm now, I wouldn't count on those childhood records having just "gone away".
There is a fast track which the AME can issue provided
No Rx’s in the past 4 years
No accompanying anxiety or depressive disorder.
It requires a local psychologist PhD to do the review but if all the ducks are present, AME can issue…..
i need advice on what to do. i’ve been wanting to be a pilot for years now but the medical has always scared me. i’m 23 years old but as the title suggests, i got diagnosed with ADHD as a kid (i think around 3rd gradeish) i only took medication until 4th grade, i don’t remember what it was or anything. Will the FAA be able to look that far back? please help
If you don’t plan on doing this as a career/for compensation, I agree with Capt. Geoffrey Thorpe. You can get your sports pilot license, gain hours and experience in some very capable aircraft, then move into more complex/faster aircraft once MOSAIC is enacted. The perfomance of some of those aircraft being built to meet the new MOSAIC limitations (I.e. Blackwing, JMB, Risen, etc.) have the performance that most 3rd class medical pilots will operate and most use Rotax engine, easy on operations and pilot load.

Can’t comment on the “forgot” vs. omitted…I’ll leave that to other more experienced contributors.
I'm sure there are a lot of people, including pilots, who have no idea what medicines they were given as children, nor what the diagnosis was. In the case of ADHD, the prevailing wisdom used to be to not tell the child... "Here, take these vitamins."
i need advice on what to do. i’ve been wanting to be a pilot for years now but the medical has always scared me. i’m 23 years old but as the title suggests, i got diagnosed with ADHD as a kid (i think around 3rd gradeish) i only took medication until 4th grade, i don’t remember what it was or anything. Will the FAA be able to look that far back? please help
Like Bruce already said, you may be a candidate for the new ADHD Fast Track (just went live in Oct/Nov 2023)! The criteria are:
- No symptoms/treatment in last 4 years
- No history of any other psychiatric diagnosis

Have a convo with your AME before completing the Med Express, and definitely BEFORE you let them open it- once opened the 14 day clock starts ticking.
- Make sure whichever AME you are using is comfortable certifying airman/applicants with this pathway as its so new many lack familiarity or comfort with it.
- Strongly encourage using a HIMS AME as they tend to be up to date on FAA mental health policies and can refer you to a psychologist/neuropsychologist that can do the required eval and fill out your Fast Track worksheet.
- After talking to your AME/HIMS AME, get all of your required documents, go see the psychologist/neuropsychologist and bring everything back to said AME/HIMS AME. If everything is favorable, you may leave the appt certificate in hand. GL!
sounds great, i’m going to look for HIMS AMEs in my area, just to do a consultation about my case to see if i’m eligible for the ADHD fast track. If it doesn’t look favorable that i’ll get a medical after i talk to the psychologist or neuropsychologist, i’ll just get a sport pilot certificate
Ah, yes. The adhd fast track, where you only have to wait 9-12 months to get issued.
Ah, yes. The adhd fast track, where you only have to wait 9-12 months to get issued.
Not sure what you are talking about. If you have all the information needed and qualify for the fast track - the AME can issue on the spot.
Ah, yes. The adhd fast track, where you only have to wait 9-12 months to get issued.
Strongly disagree. My last Fast Track ADHD patient had his certificate in hand less than 2 months from the day we met and I explained the process.
I issued him the certificate without deferral on day of exam.

And he could have gotten it done sooner if it wasn't for some personal travel plans in the summer.

See ADHD Fast Track Pathway
Ah, yes. The adhd fast track, where you only have to wait 9-12 months to get issued.
George. You are INCORRECT. Now two AMEs have told you, if all is right (FAST TRACK, no meds past 4 years, no “other” psyc. Disorder, local neuropsych sez on the form: “OK”, you walk out with a certificate :)
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George. You are INCORRECT. Now two AMEs have told you, if all is right (FAST TRACK, no meds past 4 years, no “other” psyc. Disorder, local neuropsych sez on the form: “OK”, you walk out with a certificate :)
That’s good news then. What happens when you go into your med express exam not realizing you need a report from a Nueropsych and the ame defers you?
Choose your AME more carefully. I mean, If I haven't fleshed out all the detail from the airman copy of the MedXpress, we don't open a thing electronically. As in "you were never here". Amazingly, some guys get mad that they "wasted the hour" and didn't get sent down the rabbit hole. LOL you just can't win.
That’s good news then. What happens when you go into your med express exam not realizing you need a report from a Nueropsych and the ame defers you?

you get deferred. But you can still be fast tracked if you then go and get the information and submitted. It takes a couple of months through the fast track.
Ignorance on your part is not a reason to gain you anything.
Then you are a dishonest lowlife person lying on a federal form committing a felony. No respect from me and hope you fail miserably

Ditto, but without the laugh. There is zero tolerance for lying in aviation.

It sounds like you're well within the ability to fly sport at least. Recommend you go that route for now, learn you way around and get a consult with an AME on your history before you submit an application. You should know without a doubt that you're going to pass before you give them the number and let them open it. Once the AME opens the medical, you're committed.