Mean drunk


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Jun 7, 2008
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
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Two guys were having a drink in one of those top floor bars of a NYC skyscraper.
They get to talking about wind effects around the tall buildings. The first guy says yeah there is something called the venturi effect. It can run right up the side of the building.
Says I'll bet you $1000 I could jump out that window and survive the fall.
Second guy says your on. First guy jumps out the window and at first he falls pretty fast. As he gets closer to the ground he falls slower and slower and just kind of drops to the sidewalk unharmed.
He comes back up the elevator and collects his bet. The second guy says how about giving me a chance to get my money back? If you did it I think I can too. How about double or nothing?
First guy says maybe I was just lucky, you might not make it.
Second guys insists, so they give the money to the bartender to hold and out the window he goes. Falls like a rock and splats on the concrete.
Guy goes to the bartender to collect the money. Bartender says you are one mean drunk, Superman.
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The mean drunk should be Clark Kent. Who would bet against Superman?
Two guys were having a drink in one of those top floor bars of a NYC skyscraper.
They get to talking about wind effects around the tall buildings. The first guy says yeah there is something called the venturi effect. It can run right up the side of the building.
Says I'll bet you $1000 I could jump out that window and survive the fall.
Second guy says your on. First guy jumps out the window and at first he falls pretty fast. As he gets closer to the ground he falls slower and slower and just kind of drops to the sidewalk unharmed.
He comes back up the elevator and collects his bet. The second guy says how about giving me a chance to get my money back? If you did it I think I can too. How about double or nothing?
First guy says maybe I was just lucky, you might not make it.
Second guys insists, so they give the money to the bartender to hold and out the window he goes. Falls like a rock and splats on the concrete.
Guy goes to the bartender to collect the money. Bartender says you are one mean drunk, Superman.
Poor guy fell for it.