So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

Got a ppl checkride scheduled in two weeks… any advice?
I went and got SES current today in anticipation of my MES rating in a few weeks. Lovely (though hot!) day for floats today in central Florida. Just enough breeze to ripple the surface so glassy water techniques not required, but not enough to even weather vane the plane much. Did slow taxi and docking (to fuel the plane), take off from Lake Dora, flew down to Lake Apopka and did 5 landings, step taxi and turn, returned to Lake Dora and did a landing and beach.

On my first landing I relaxed the back pressure on the yoke, big no-no! 3rd landing I let the sink rate get high and bounced, but "did everything right" to recover: added power, kept nose up followed through and landed. Next 2 were really nice, gentle landings.

So, get a little more time in the twin in the next couple of weeks then off to Brooke's in Coure d'lene for CP-MES in their Beech 18.
Got a ppl checkride scheduled in two weeks… any advice?
If you have any mental downtime where you're just performing menial labor or whatever, wear earbuds and listen to checkride mock oral interviews on youtube. I did that while cutting grass, driving, etc for a couple weeks leading into my Private checkride and the oral portion was extremely easy.

I compiled a non-exhaustive playlist linked here.
If you have any mental downtime where you're just performing menial labor or whatever, wear earbuds and listen to checkride mock oral interviews on youtube. I did that while cutting grass, driving, etc for a couple weeks leading into my Private checkride and the oral portion was extremely easy.

I compiled a non-exhaustive playlist linked here.
That's a good list. I like this one for ppl a lot. The 1st time I watched it I was terrified thinking I'll never be as prepared as this gut. But then I watched it 100 times. my oral went really well.

I also love the youtube material by Leslie Henninger. I think she's fantastic.
Probably nothing big deal for most about flying into ORD but this felt like an OSHKOSH experience for me. I have flown to other Bravo airports before but ORD makes those other ones child play. Taxi in/out was the hardest part.
My instrument checkride is on Monday. The DPE has a real sense of humor: he assigned a cross country to KOSH, so I'm not at Airventure but I'm sitting here pouring over the NOTAM. :lol:
My instrument checkride is on Monday. The DPE has a real sense of humor: he assigned a cross country to KOSH, so I'm not at Airventure but I'm sitting here pouring over the NOTAM. :lol:
I just got mine a few weeks ago. Good luck!
Congrats and thanks, I'm feeling cautiously optimistic. I came into IR with well over 50 hours PIC cross country time, so we got to spend pretty much every lesson flying back to back approaches and managed to log a few hours of actual. I hired a sharp, experienced CFII in his 70s and flew with him almost exclusively, rather than building time with a safety pilot. Hired the same DPE as I used for my private, so I know what to expect. Just gotta remember to hit the $1000 button now.
Had a nice lesson on Sunday and let my uncle come along to sightsee. Very cool.

My other two lessons were cancelled due to low ceilings.