1st class medical denied


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 12, 2024
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Good day all;
I applied in Feb for 1st class medical which at that time I found out I was type 2 diabetic ( no insulin)
Just looked on FAA site and my medical was denied after sending medical records back and forth. I know I can appeal within 30 days which I’m planning too. Any suggestions if I have to hire a lawyer with extensive fees or I should apply for medical again within few months. This what FAA said ( Review of your application is complete. You will receive correspondence with additional details via mail.

You are not medically cleared to operate an aircraft.

Under 14 CFR § 61.53, it is unlawful for the holder of a medical certificate to exercise such privileges if he/she has a known medical history or condition, which makes him/her unable to meet the physical requirements for that certificate
Was your HbA1c below 9.0?
Retinopathy? nephropathy? Periph. Neuropathy?

All of which is asking if you met the basics that make you certifiable or it is something else....
And, if you think internal appeal is going to get you anywhere.....well.....think "troubleshoot", instead....it's much faster and cheaper....
I will have to look at the results, sorry what you mean by troubleshoot. Sorry for asking that part