1976 PA28R-200 Gear Unsafe light/horn problem


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 11, 2024
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Our flight school has PA28R-200. When putting gear down everthing work great, that is the yellow "IN TRANS" light work and when the gear is down and locked get three green lights.

The problem is when putting the gear up and the throttle is open get yellow "IN TRANS" light and red "GEAR UNSAFE" light and horn is on.

Move the throttle to closed and the "GEAR UNSAFE" stops,while "IN TRANS" is on. When the gear is almost up the "GEAR UNSAFE" light dimmly glows and the horn chirp, until the gear is up then th "GEAR UNSAFE" light and horn actives and stays on and the yellow "IN TRANS" light goes out.

We have the plane on jacks so it is easy to see if the gear is up. We checked the "A" and "B" throttle switches and they are working. The hydraulic system seem to be working find.
We checked the "A" and "B" throttle switches and they are working.
It sounds like a switch or its cam is out of rig.
Wiring diagrams on page 4H1 and 4H2 of the manual (Pages 810 and 811 of the .pdf), depending on serial number of the airplane: http://www.mikeg.net/library/files/pa28-service.pdf

There are numerous switches involved, but I'd bet that throttle switch "A" is misrigged. The manual will have rigging instructions for both switches.