For Flight School Graduates - Survey Opportunity


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 28, 2024
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Hello, I work for a market research firm called Arnovia, and we're collaborating with Aviation Week on a survey to collect opinions and perspectives on flight schools from those who have graduated to ATP certification. We're offering $50 gift cards for each qualified survey participant. (We're trying to understand perspectives of relatively recent grads, so in order to qualify you must have graduated within the past 10 years). The survey takes about 10 minutes to fill out. If you are interested we would love your perspective! The survey is hosted here:
Hi folks, just wanted to give this one bump back up to the main page as we are striving to reach our targeted number of respondents. Survey only takes ~10 minutes of your time. Thank you for your interest.
Generally, surveys are not well-received here. Motives are always under suspicion as General Aviation is under continual attack from many fronts. We do have a few ATP pilots here, but the vast majority of our participants are GA pilots. You will do better posting your request to an actual ATP forum. I am sure some here can point you in the right direction.
Thanks for the feedback and totally understand that some may be hesitant or view this as potentially suspicious. It's why we elected to partner with Aviation Week given they are a reputable outlet within the industry. AvWeek also has an internal network they can blast the survey out to, but we're just trying to maximize our outreach. I will do more digging on other forums as well, but if anyone else with an ATP sees this and wants to take the survey, it's still open and we'd still like to get our numbers up.