Garmin database updates - user frustrations


Pattern Altitude
Aug 28, 2007
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Dave Bahnson
I currently have a G500, GNS 750 and GNS 650 in my panel along with some other Garmin products. I recently tried to download the current database to SD cards and navigated through the options all the way to the final step (which shows the expired databases on those three devices) but couldn't download them. After trying flygarmin on a different computer and getting the same result, I contacted Garmin, talked to a live person and learned the following:
1. Garmin doesn't have a system to notify subscribers that their subscription has expired. (They're "working on it"). I had that problem a few years ago and accidently paid in advance for two or three years of downloads, which finally ran out (but I hadn't needed to add funds to the site for years). They led me through the website to find the subscription renewal option, which isn't all that obvious without help.
2. The original flygarmin website which I've used for years doesn't really work well now. It routinely downloads the .ldrsys file to the bottom card, which always gives me an error message when I load them into the panel. They recommended downloading the Aviation Download Manager on my computer, which I did. That loads a page that shows all the devices and they walked me through the process.
a. Deselect two of the three devices to update the third one
b. Deselect the "sync" option, since that's not enabled on my devices. I asked if I could user-configure that as the default options. They're "working on it."
c. Hit "refresh"
d. Repeat those steps for the other two devices.
(It seems clunky to have to deselect options then remember to refresh the page for something that should be user configured to do automatically for each new update.)
3. It turns out that the process I've used for years (downloading MOST of the database to the bottom card then separately d downloading the Flightcharts to the top card) now isn't needed - as long as the software v7.0 or higher. So I need to get the plane back to the avionics shop to get that feature to work.
4. In order to avoid the original problem of the dead-end database update I asked if I could auto-renew the database subscription. They're "working on that" as well.

I will say on a positive note that contacting a live agent in a reasonable amount of time was a plus, and she was very patient over the next half hour helping me get the database updates loaded onto the SD cards, but yikes. I would think that for $800 + per year for downloading data they'd be able to spend a little on making the web process a little easier. One of the techs at the local Garmin dealer on field told me that they're having a lot of glitches due the rollout of the newer panel mount options that can do this wirelessly.

End of rant. With all of that equipment installed in the panel, it's not like I can go to another vendor . . .
I'm sure I can get used to it.

I think my frustration is mostly with the lack of communication with Garmin as new options are introduced and just seemingly silently implemented. Maybe updating the software on the devices will help as well. I'm looking into that now.
You might want to give Garmin Aviation Database Manager a test drive.

It bombs on start for me with "zeromq/lib/native.js specified module could not be found". I had a completely fresh Win11 install done for it. Not working after Windows Update either.

Apparently this Garmin Aviation Database Manager is just an Electron wrapper, and these things are very common if some kind of module is missing. But they do not tell you want it is. Could be VC++ runtime, could be NET4. What a joke.


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It bombs on start for me with "zeromq/lib/native.js specified module could not be found". I had a completely fresh Win11 install done for it. Not working after Windows Update either.

Apparently this Garmin Aviation Database Manager is just an Electron wrapper, and these things are very common if some kind of module is missing. But they do not tell you want it is. Could be VC++ runtime, could be NET4. What a joke.
Considering the GADBM works on the Mac, not sure if VC++ is the issue. I really hate to invoke "geek" but you may want to check out this page and download something that might help solve the problem.

I'm wondering if Garmin assumes everyone has all the pieces installed as part of the OS or did it forget to add something to the WinTel version.

Candidly, I'd call Garmin support and get them involved with solving the problem. You have huge $$$ invested, they should be willing to help. I've found the avionics people (many from Apollo) excellent to work with. But if GADBM is a 3rd party, that's a different question. But a phone call can't hurt. I don't understand why people don't use the phone more often for help.
whenever I'm having issues downloading db's from GADBM I purge the stored downloads and that 'typically' resolves that. not sure if that's the issue you're having but figured I'd throw that out there.

Considering the GADBM works on the Mac, not sure if VC++ is the issue.
It was. Apparently, MS no longer supplies a 32-bit VC++ runtime for 64-bit versions of Win11 by default. I downloaded it the VC++ distributable, installed it, and the GADBM to started.

I tried to report the issue to Garmin a few days ago, but only got an automated reply. If they ever get back to me, I'll provide the info. Maybe they can include the DLL. It is, after all, "redistributable".
I updated GADBM yesterday from 24.6.5 to 24.7.1 and it just broke it. Wouldn't open at all. I still had the 24.6.5 installer downloaded so I reinstalled that and it works fine again.
Reported to Garmin, but don't expect to hear anything. This is on Win10 machine. I have an 11 machine also, and may try it on that.
It was. Apparently, MS no longer supplies a 32-bit VC++ runtime for 64-bit versions of Win11 by default. I downloaded it the VC++ distributable, installed it, and the GADBM to started.

I tried to report the issue to Garmin a few days ago, but only got an automated reply. If they ever get back to me, I'll provide the info. Maybe they can include the DLL. It is, after all, "redistributable".
Use Chat, they answer quickly every time...
Yeop... I had the same problem. Its because of Windows 11 and visual C++ incompatibilities. You need to install this to fix your issue.


Garmin needs to address this so we don't have to fix it for them!!!! I know, I know... I am talking to a black hole.
I just gave up and purged / uninstalled Garmin Database Manager and reinstalled it to finally get it to work yesterday.

I'm running Win 11.
When I updated to 24.7.1 GADM froze up. I uninstalled it and re-installed it and that seemed to resolve the issue.
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Every time I update, it is always different issues. Yesterday, I couldn’t update the GI 275’s via Connext. After waiting about 5 minutes for the ipad and 750 to sync, I was able to update Nav, Obstacles and Flight Charts on the 750, but no cross sync to the 275’s. So, update the 275’s using USB. Now, all are updated, but the 750 says there is a database mismatch. This is a ridiculous system. The mismatch has happened before, and eventually that seems to correct itself.
I updated GADBM yesterday from 24.6.5 to 24.7.1 and it just broke it. Wouldn't open at all. I still had the 24.6.5 installer downloaded so I reinstalled that and it works fine again.
Reported to Garmin, but don't expect to hear anything. This is on Win10 machine. I have an 11 machine also, and may try it on that.
Did you hear anything? I noticed that it's up to 24.7.8 now.
Did you hear anything? I noticed that it's up to 24.7.8 now.

Never heard back, but after your post, I went and upgraded. It acted a little different, and as a caution to others if you're working on something it had me reboot twice.
Seems to be working fine now. Line one below tells the story.

However line 6 was worrisome, in case of future trouble. But I checked, and the last two versions are still in my downloads, so I assume they mean from the Garmin folder or wherever it automatically downloads to, not the Users download folder. So it's a good thing actually as it will save some space. I would still recommend downloading the installer to the User folder (or desktop, etc.) and delete after a successful update to the next version.
