TSA student multiple CFIs


Filing Flight Plan
Mar 24, 2023
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I had a question I have had TSA students before but it was with a club/school that I worked at. I am now a freelance CFI and have a TSA student. I am going on vacation for a few weeks and want him to continue flying with my friend who is also a CFI. My question is can he fly with my friend for the next 3 weeks while I am gone. I dont want the student to have to do a new TSA for 3 weeks of training and then have him do another for when I get back.
As a freelance CFI, you are the flight school and he may only train with you. It is your CFI buddy whose ass would be hanging.
Well thats a bummer. I was hoping to get him to do a stage check with him to make sure he is as good as I think he is. Always nice to get a second set of eyes on my students but o well.
Well thats a bummer. I was hoping to get him to do a stage check with him to make sure he is as good as I think he is. Always nice to get a second set of eyes on my students but o well.

I would discuss the situation with your TSA inspector. A single stage check might be looked upon differently than subbing for three weeks. A case could be made that an evaluation is not instruction, or perhaps the TSA can help you get the other instructor approved to instruct this student.
I would discuss the situation with your TSA inspector. A single stage check might be looked upon differently than subbing for three weeks. A case could be made that an evaluation is not instruction, or perhaps the TSA can help you get the other instructor approved to instruct this student.
You must have a really nice TSA inspector. One possibility is to make his buddy his employee as a CFI, but I think that opens more cans of worms than it is worth.
If you registered as an individual training provider and your student selected you as the provider, then you are the only one he can receive training from...unless he submits another training request and selects another provider. This will NOT invalidate the first training provider as I understand the process...so he will not have to submit again to get you back. Or, unless you register as a part 61 training school employing multiple instructors of which your friend is one.

As for phase checks, how will the student log time? As solo? But he is NOT solo - he has a passenger (this is up to the FAA, not the TSA). As dual received? How can he do that from someone not authorized as his training provider?