HIMS Testing


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 26, 2024
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I could really use some help. My son is a student needing to get his airman medical certification - he failed his AME because of ADHD, we were advised to go for a HIMS Neuro test. and received the letter from the FAA For the standard track. It's very overwhelming, we have that appointment set up for July but i am trying to get the FAA on the phone in OK to request an extension for him. I also need to send his medical records in to the FAA. Our AME is not very helpful so i am doing this on my own, can anyone let me know if i need to email them or mail them hard copies with his PI # on all paperwork, and have the address either standard mail or email that i am to use for this. Also, can someone tell me an example of the personal statement letter with the ADHD bullet points included on how they wrote it. i am spending a lot of money for my son to live his dream, which i have no issue doing, and am willing to go to the edge of the earth to watch him live his dream. He has been flying, and currently has 15 hours and does not wish to be a Pilot in the future he doesn't think but could still change is mind. he is more about the engines and mechanic's portion. we are super proud of him. he is off all medication with no symptoms. he is doing fantastic we just need help to do the next steps.
We are running a special this week, please check out these two threads:

My son is a student needing to get his airman medical certification - he failed his AME because of ADHD
Bummer, he can now no longer fly under sport pilot rules until he can pass a medical.
he is off all medication with no symptoms
That's good.
he is more about the engines and mechanic's portion
How old is your son? He could work on his A&P, and in four short years, re-apply for a medical using the FAA fast track evaluation.

Someone will be along shortly with answers to your other questions.

Welcome to PoA and good luck!
I could really use some help. My son is a student needing to get his airman medical certification - he failed his AME because of ADHD, we were advised to go for a HIMS Neuro test. and received the letter from the FAA For the standard track. It's very overwhelming, we have that appointment set up for July but i am trying to get the FAA on the phone in OK to request an extension for him. I also need to send his medical records in to the FAA. Our AME is not very helpful so i am doing this on my own, can anyone let me know if i need to email them or mail them hard copies with his PI # on all paperwork, and have the address either standard mail or email that i am to use for this. Also, can someone tell me an example of the personal statement letter with the ADHD bullet points included on how they wrote it. i am spending a lot of money for my son to live his dream, which i have no issue doing, and am willing to go to the edge of the earth to watch him live his dream. He has been flying, and currently has 15 hours and does not wish to be a Pilot in the future he doesn't think but could still change is mind. he is more about the engines and mechanic's portion. we are super proud of him. he is off all medication with no symptoms. he is doing fantastic we just need help to do the next steps.
You need a new AME. If he's not helping you through this process, it's not going to get any easier.

How old is your son, and why are you doing all of this for him if he doesn't want to be a pilot in the future?
I could really use some help. My son is a student needing to get his airman medical certification - he failed his AME because of ADHD, we were advised to go for a HIMS Neuro test. and received the letter from the FAA For the standard track. It's very overwhelming, we have that appointment set up for July but i am trying to get the FAA on the phone in OK to request an extension for him. I also need to send his medical records in to the FAA. Our AME is not very helpful so i am doing this on my own, can anyone let me know if i need to email them or mail them hard copies with his PI # on all paperwork, and have the address either standard mail or email that i am to use for this. Also, can someone tell me an example of the personal statement letter with the ADHD bullet points included on how they wrote it. i am spending a lot of money for my son to live his dream, which i have no issue doing, and am willing to go to the edge of the earth to watch him live his dream. He has been flying, and currently has 15 hours and does not wish to be a Pilot in the future he doesn't think but could still change is mind. he is more about the engines and mechanic's portion. we are super proud of him. he is off all medication with no symptoms. he is doing fantastic we just need help to do the next steps.
I'm That Mom who posted on this forum two days ago for very similar reasons. I don't have advice to give, except to say that there are generous people on this site who are willing to give counsel. I'm sending positive vibes to you and your son!
There’s a difference between a deferral, a denial, and a failure. Your son has not ‘failed’ a medical application.

I’m not going to address anything else.
I could really use some help. My son is a student needing to get his airman medical certification - he failed his AME because of ADHD, we were advised to go for a HIMS Neuro test. and received the letter from the FAA For the standard track. It's very overwhelming, we have that appointment set up for July but i am trying to get the FAA on the phone in OK to request an extension for him. I also need to send his medical records in to the FAA. Our AME is not very helpful so i am doing this on my own, can anyone let me know if i need to email them or mail them hard copies with his PI # on all paperwork, and have the address either standard mail or email that i am to use for this. Also, can someone tell me an example of the personal statement letter with the ADHD bullet points included on how they wrote it. i am spending a lot of money for my son to live his dream, which i have no issue doing, and am willing to go to the edge of the earth to watch him live his dream. He has been flying, and currently has 15 hours and does not wish to be a Pilot in the future he doesn't think but could still change is mind. he is more about the engines and mechanic's portion. we are super proud of him. he is off all medication with no symptoms. he is doing fantastic we just need help to do the next steps.
1. Your AME can easily get an extension with a simple email to the regional office. Otherwise, you can call and get the extension. Also, I try to tell my airmen not to worry so much about the deadline. If you bust the deadline, you will receive a 'failure to provide' (FTP) letter, but it just means the FAA will stop sending you any more correspondences until you get them what they requested. Other than that there really isn't any other negative effects to the process.

2. See here for guidance on the personal statement: https://www.faa.gov/ame_guide/media/ADHD_personal_statement.pdf
I usually provide my patients with a word document template I created.
momofboysanddogs: the secret is to call 405-954-4821 (CDT) at 08:00 SHARP. Set your iphone to alarm at 07:59 CDT count to 50 and dial.

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There’s a difference between a deferral, a denial, and a failure. Your son has not ‘failed’ a medical application.

I’m not going to address anything else.
thanks for your feedback as a mom who is new to all this i did not know such a thing. thanks for your clarification. I have been fortunate to find some very nice people on here willing to help me out. again thanks for your reply
1. Your AME can easily get an extension with a simple email to the regional office. Otherwise, you can call and get the extension. Also, I try to tell my airmen not to worry so much about the deadline. If you bust the deadline, you will receive a 'failure to provide' (FTP) letter, but it just means the FAA will stop sending you any more correspondences until you get them what they requested. Other than that there really isn't any other negative effects to the process.

2. See here for guidance on the personal statement: https://www.faa.gov/ame_guide/media/ADHD_personal_statement.pdf
I usually provide my patients with a word document template I created.
Thanks so much would you know someone who would be ablet to help and review his personal statement letter?
momofboysanddogs: the secret is to call 405-954-4821 (CDT) at 08:00 SHARP. Set your iphone to alarm at 07:59 CD

momofboysanddogs: the secret is to call 405-954-4821 (CDT) at 08:00 SHARP. Set your iphone to alarm at 07:59 CDG count to 50 and dial.

Thanks for your help. We got an extension. we started writing his personal statement letter I am hoping to have someone review it for us soon. thanks for your help
We are running a special this week, please check out these two threads:

Bummer, he can now no longer fly under sport pilot rules until he can pass a medical.

That's good.

How old is your son? He could work on his A&P, and in four short years, re-apply for a medical using the FAA fast track evaluation.

Someone will be along shortly with answers to your other questions.

Welcome to PoA and good luck!
He is currently working toward his A & P he is interning and will be going to Tennessee next year as well. He is only 16 but in order for him to Solo this is what we were advised to do, is this correct?
thanks for your feedback as a mom who is new to all this i did not know such a thing. thanks for your clarification. I have been fortunate to find some very nice people on here willing to help me out. again thanks for your reply
14 CFR 61.303(b)(2) states that a person operating a light-sport aircraft using a driver's license instead of a medical must "Have been found eligible for the issuance of at least a third-class airman medical certificate at the time of his or her most recent application (if the person has applied for a medical certificate)". So an application not being denied yet does not seem to help.
He is currently working toward his A & P he is interning and will be going to Tennessee next year as well. He is only 16 but in order for him to Solo this is what we were advised to do, is this correct?
Yes, your son would need a medical certificate in order to exercise the privileges of a student pilot certificate, as stated in 14 CFR 61.23(a)(3)(i)
@momofboysanddogs welcome to PoA!

There is a lot of good information here. Unfortunately, your experience is not uncommon. What a very common thing that happens is that people (or parents in this case) will try to handle this on their own and actually make it worse, completely unintentionally.

Two of the AMEs that visit this board have chimed in. That would be users bbchien and GoFlightMed. Posts #8 and #7 respectively. I would strongly encourage you to contact them here and then contact them professionally and get their help before going down this path much further. An AME who wants to help, and has the experience to help, is invaluable in the path you're pursuing.

Good luck!