Summer flight planning...


Final Approach
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Aug 12, 2012
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Why does the 10 day look like this or worse EVERY TIME.

Looks like Florida to me so that means get up before 8 am if you want to go anywhere. Head back home before noon if you don't want to be dodging storms or get ready to play sky tetris with the clouds.
Except for saturday, sunday and monday, it looks like you may have beautiful mornings.

Mornings here are often decent but the clouds start building between 10 and 11. It’s tough to fly somewhere for lunch and then get back if you’re VFR. An instrument rating won’t help a whole lot because so much of the afternoon wx is convective stuff
Looks like Florida to me so that means get up before 8 am if you want to go anywhere. Head back home before noon if you don't want to be dodging storms or get ready to play sky tetris with the clouds.


And it’s hard to win the Tetris game if the freakin’ buildup is right over your home drome.
Honestly, that's summer almost anywhere east of the rocks. Southern Ontario is a lot like that as well, beautiful sunny days until the afternoon and then build ups everywhere. Been planning a trip to Boston for the weekend but with the forecast as it is, I'll probably skip it. Don't feel like zig zacing around t-storms. Just not my definition of fun lol.
Here on the Florida peninsula, warm moist air from the Atlantic and the Gulf move over the land during the day and meet somewhere in the middle during mid-afternoon. The collision results in lots of thunderstorm activity.

I'm in Polk County (Haines City), just a few miles south of the Four Corners area.

Four Corners, Florida, an area just a few miles to the south and west of Orlando, was found to have the highest lightning strike density of anywhere in the entire U.S. this year. Vaisala’s annual report deemed the town the lightning capital of the U.S.
The state of Florida ranks highest for lightning density per state as well, with an average of 109.84 lightning strikes per square kilometer last year....Locally, Polk County has the highest lightning density, with 147.3 strikes per square kilometer last year.

Our place is on the central Florida ridge, near the highest spot on the peninsula (Bok Tower), so we get hammered. Our first year here we lost several pieces of electronics before I learned to put suppressors on everything.
Our place is on the central Florida ridge, near the highest spot on the peninsula (Bok Tower), so we get hammered.

"CentraL Florida ridge"... That there is some funny $hi+! ;) That's like Driskoll Mountain over here in Louisiana:

We have bridges, and perhaps an overpass or two, that are higher than our 'mountain'.
I went to Bok Tower once and it sucked. I also went to a dude ranch out there because my ex planned it and it sucked twice as bad. The heat, humidity and mosquitos really wore me down. I'll stick with the west coast of Florida instead. At least I can fly over to Cedar Key and get ripped off driving those golf carts to town then tell everyone I landed on the shortest paved runway in Florida.
I went to Bok Tower once and it sucked. I also went to a dude ranch out there because my ex planned it and it sucked twice as bad. The heat, humidity and mosquitos really wore me down. I'll stick with the west coast of Florida instead. At least I can fly over to Cedar Key and get ripped off driving those golf carts to town then tell everyone I landed on the shortest paved runway in Florida.

Bok Tower is great from about Nov to April or so. Miserable in the summer. @2-Bit Speed and @SkyChaser had their wedding their in November and had a beautiful day for it.

But yes, by all means stay away. It's waaaaay too crowded here, and getting worse every day.
Oh, I see you have a mountain also. ;) I stay away from Driskoll....don't need no mountain wave....

I've been trying to establish the Florida Alpinist's Association (FAA) and organize ascents of Iron Mountain, Sugarloaf Mountain, and Mount Dora.

I climbed Mt Dora a few years ago. Our entire party reached the summit, but we lost three men on the descent when their wives dragged them into gift shops.
Our entire party reached the summit, but we lost three men on the descent when their wives dragged them into gift shops.
You should write a book on this harrowing experience maybe call it ...Into Thick Air ..thick with mosquitos and humidity. True story about Mt Dora.. when I was in High School, or soccer team played them well I remember one of our players telling George Steinbrenner off. At the time I didn't know who he was but I remember having to sign an apology letter to him. This was in the early 90's
We won't normally see rain again until November.
Now that we're on the topic, there is a place called Blue Mountain Beach in 30a. Obviously, there are no mountains. Why would they call it that? I make fun of the "Blue Mountains" in Ontario, which aren't blue and more like hills but one could argue about that. However Blue Mountain Beach in Florida? Makes 0 sense lol.
I've been trying to establish the Florida Alpinist's Association (FAA) and organize ascents of Iron Mountain, Sugarloaf Mountain, and Mount Dora.

I climbed Mt Dora a few years ago. Our entire party reached the summit, but we lost three men on the descent when their wives dragged them into gift shops.
No oxygen, I presume.
Today was a great example, the morning was terrible, mid day iffy, afternoon very good. Now that it’s late evening, questionable again. Often part of the given day is safely flyable, ‘make hay while the sun shines’ comes to mind.