LSA Rental California


Filing Flight Plan
Aug 7, 2023
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Todd K
Hi Everyone,

I have travel taking me to Santa Barbara and then Torrance, CA. I'd love to get checked-out and rent a plane to do some flying--appreciating the gorgeous coast.

Anywhere between Santa Barbara and the LA area is preferred, however I may visit a friend in San Diego as well so I am open to options there.

Can anyone recommend a place to rent an LSA in those areas? I'm willing to drive a little bit.

Sling Pilot Academy in KTOA (Sling), Sunrise in KSNA (Evektors..). If this is your first contact with LSA you may need more than a quick checkout.
Skycatchers at Corsair at KVNY. Ditto what bluesideup said about “quick” checkout.
Ditto on "quick checkout." Many flight schools requires a longer checkout for LSAs than "normal" singles. The reason is the light loading which makes them more difficult to handle properly in windy conditions and the resulting higher landing accident rate. People dis sport pilot all the time but the truth is, they tend to be more skilled in some areas, including this one.
Sling Pilot Academy in KTOA (Sling), Sunrise in KSNA (Evektors..). If this is your first contact with LSA you may need more than a quick checkout.
I’ve got about 30 hours in an Evektor Harmony, so awesome!

What is the name of the school that has the Evektors?

Thanks for the tips, everyone.

>>What is the name of the school that has the Evektors?<<
I wound up flying in a Sling out of Long Beach. Incredible experience!

This community is wonderful, and I appreciate all your help and insight.


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What is the name of the Long Beach school from which you rented a Sling?