Smoking Rivet Repair


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 27, 2024
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Any recommendations on a reputable shop for wing/airframe repair work in the ID/WA/OR area?

Purchased a C182R and have discovered what appears to be signs of 'smoking rivets'. Does not appear any type of corrosion treatment is seeping through. Paint on the rivets has separated from the paint immediately adjacent/surrounding the rivets, which seems to indicate some type of movement.


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Purchased a C182R and have discovered what appears to be signs of 'smoking rivets'.
Given this condition is not new was there any concern over them by the previous owner or mechanic or prebuy?
I would have your mechanic verify the rivets are in fact loose. Not all rivets that smoke are.
Then have your mechanic assist with any replacement if needed vs contact a shop directly.
Based on your pics, I would definitely investigate more as to me they look more like a "leaky" rivet than a loose rivet.
Any experienced mechanic can remove and replace smoking rivets, but you have a ton of them. I wondering if the wings experienced excessive G loading at some point in its life or you have like 12,000 hours on them.
Little over 3,000hrs on the airframe. Other wing seems normal condition (that is, no similar looking rivet situation going on).

We don't have a 'mechanic', thus why I'm asking for any recommendations on a place to go. Between 2010-2020 we had a local AP/IA in ID/WA that we used (for a different aircraft) and he was great. Unfortunately, he has since passed and the shop has since changed ownership and no longer has the individuals we care to use.

Previous owner sold the aircraft as 'well cared for'. That has since been questioned as we've found numerous issues within the first few hours of ownership. All of which have made it through a few annuals at different shops. And bringing them up to the previous owner resulted in 'I had no idea, I'm very surprised'. Should have had a more thorough pre-buy... But long since passed that fork in the road.
Although it’s odd that it’s on one wing, maybe it was prior internal application of Corrosion X that seeped and they only washed/detailed the top of one wing and didn’t get to the other? It looks more oily that attracted dirt than the dryer powdery appearance of “smoking” rivet (from my tiny iPhone screen).
We don't have a 'mechanic', thus why I'm asking for any recommendations on a place to go.
You're going to eventually need a APIA so I'd start there and get them onboard before you go any farther.
As I noted, from your pics its does not look "smoking"/loose rivets to me especially if your interior pic is of the other side of those rivets. And since the previous owner/shops were not concerned I'm even more inclined to think they are not loose.
Find you a mechanic and use these items to see how your potential selections would address these issues.