210 down in Sydney

That was a fine piece of flying. I was also happy to hear the reporter call it an emergency landing rather than a crash.
Wow. Very fortunate no taller buildings or wires. Kept it above stall speed nicely.
Looks like he might've put the gear lever down at the last moment judging from the video. I think I'd have kept it up, after my Cardinal experience, - think that may be part of why the aircraft was less stable on the skid - but good landing for sure.
Yea, this was a miracle landing annd he got damn lucky. Great thing about a complex aircraft is they stop in a short distance gear up. Not taking advantage of large open area was not smart and stall spin crashes trying to extend glides to make an airport are common and equally he could have crashed into a structure killing some people.
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Wow that is bloody impressive
Good job on the landing