
Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 25, 2006
KTTA, North Carolina
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For those familiar with KROA: I am heading there with a pilot for an out-and-back cross country next week. We won't need to park and refuel. Just pull into a ramp area to talk and reset for the next leg. Any suggestions where to do this other than the Signature ramp?
I fly in there a few times a year. I think Signature is the only “official” option, and their ramp person will come out to your plane as soon as you pull up. But you might be able to just taxi to the GA hangars north of Signature and pause in the alley for a few minutes.
Are you shutting down during that time or getting out for any reason? If not I'd be inclined to ask ground for a few minutes and a spot to reconfigure for the return flight ...probably even the run up area would be fine. ROA is not that busy so as long as you're out of the way you should have no problems.

Alternatively, you could pop over to Blacksburg and take all of the time in the world to debrief.
Are you shutting down during that time or getting out for any reason? If not I'd be inclined to ask ground for a few minutes and a spot to reconfigure for the return flight ...probably even the run up area would be fine. ROA is not that busy so as long as you're out of the way you should have no problems.

Alternatively, you could pop over to Blacksburg and take all of the time in the world to debrief.
Thanks. At this point we're not planning to shut down, so asking ground is definitely an option. It's just that I prefer to plan these things if I can.

The pilot with whom I'm flying is doing this in large part for more Class C experience, so stopping and calling for departure instructions from scratch rather than, say, a touch & go or taxi back for departure, is an important part of the plan.