Are presidential TFRs getting smaller?

Are presidential TFRs getting smaller?

Not that I can see. We had POTUS in Coral Gables a few weeks ago and they set the inner ring at 13 miles radius and 24-hours duration. Shut down both Miami GA airports for a big part of a Sat and Sunday.
Yep looks like the VP. What made it look like POTUS instead of VPOTUS is one of those TFRs is right over POTUS' house in Hyde Park.

Perhaps The Veep and his wife will be in chi town for Thanksgiving and got the POTUS's house on Vacation Rentals by Owner.:rofl:

Actually could it be Mrs. POTUS? Does the First Lady get a veep sized TFR if she travels w/o the POTUS?
Perhaps The Veep and his wife will be in chi town for Thanksgiving and got the POTUS's house on Vacation Rentals by Owner.:rofl:

Actually could it be Mrs. POTUS? Does the First Lady get a veep sized TFR if she travels w/o the POTUS?
yes, I think the FLOTUS is the likely culprit here. Want that I should knock on the door and ask? :rofl:

And POTUS has a TFR with a 9 mile inner core in the SF area, so they're still on a case-by-case basis and too large!
FLOTUS doesn't get a TFR. Biden will be in Chicago for some fundraisers.
Last time the Prez was in Boston, the TFR was 33 miles. Smaller? I don't think so. It's the government. They never give back anything they've gotten from their peons... er constituents.
The TFRs will likely need to grow to accommodate the ever-expandng ego sphere.
POTUS TFR next week in Calif, 32 NM, that's not getting smaller. Std is 30 NM. Need an extra two miles to block a couple of more airports.

Any ideas of the cost of lost revenue at those airports while the TFR is n effect?
yes, I think the FLOTUS is the likely culprit here. Want that I should knock on the door and ask? :rofl:

And POTUS has a TFR with a 9 mile inner core in the SF area, so they're still on a case-by-case basis and too large!

Just seeing the acronym FLOTUS is funny...:lol::rofl::lol:;)
35 NM outer ring over Seattle right now. "Standard" 10 NM radius no fly zone in the middle. Now, they aren't shrinking. He's grubbing for money on our nickel tonight.
POTUS TFR next week in Calif, 32 NM, that's not getting smaller. Std is 30 NM. Need an extra two miles to block a couple of more airports.

Any ideas of the cost of lost revenue at those airports while the TFR is n effect?
Boston did the same.
So they are creeping them out to pick off little airports. AOPA? Helloooooo anybody home?
Certainly no smaller last time the President was in Dallas. At least he does not visit here as frequently as Bush 43 did while President!
thats not for the president . .. - so - to answer your question - no - they are not getting small.

Go look at the tfr's for the west coast trip - its all 30+nm wide.
You can't make a TFR big enough for that mans ego

Yeah, I can't believe the SOB had enough hubris to get dressed up in a flight suit, wear a cod piece, and pretend to land a fighter on an aircraft carrier.

Oh, wait...
Yeah, I can't believe the SOB had enough hubris to get dressed up in a flight suit, wear a cod piece, and pretend to land a fighter on an aircraft carrier.

Oh, wait...

At least that guy was a pilot. Not that it matters they only differ in which keywords are in their speeches. Their policies have been identical.
The TFRs for fundraising have started.
Well, He was enlisted in the Texas Air National Guard IIRC, doesn't seem to be much proof of his actual attendance.

I seem to recall that he flew the F-102. And you are repeating slander that was proven false in 2004 (and cost a clown at See BS his job).
I seem to recall that he flew the F-102. And you are repeating slander that was proven false in 2004 (and cost a clown at See BS his job).

No, I didn't mean to say that he didn't fly for the Guard, he did indeed fly the F-102. Not slandering either, it's well documented that certain point in his military career he had spotty attendance and essentially served the bare minimum required to receive honorable discharge. I should have phrased my earlier post in better fashion.

Regardless of anyone's political leanings I would hope that we could all agree that strapping on the flight suit and stringing up the "mission accomplished" banner was kind of embarrassing. If you want to talk about unmatched ego, we need not look further than the boy king himself.
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....Regardless of anyone's political leanings I would hope that we could all agree that strapping on the flight suit and stringing up the "mission accomplished" banner was kind of embarrassing. If you want to talk about unmatched ego, we need not look further than the boy king himself.

As opposed to not having a legit birth certificate, admitting to Cocaine use and not releasing his school records... Among other critical stuff a President of the United States of America show be required to provide.....

Guess who I am talking about...:confused::mad2::redface:
And taking foreign student scholarships. Pretty fraudulent for a guy born in HI.
You two are really into fiction novels, eh?

I'm no fan of the guy but I base my opinion on facts, not fiction.

Virtually everything else he said in basically BS....

Why think the birth certificate is true..:dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno:..

Rant off................

Now back to our regularly scheduled TFR thread....:yes:;)
We're getting TFR change they now make em bigger to squeeze off a few extra airports.
As opposed to not having a legit birth certificate, admitting to Cocaine use and not releasing his school records... Among other critical stuff a President of the United States of America show be required to provide.....

Guess who I am talking about...:confused::mad2::redface:

I'm not quite sure how anything in your post addresses what I was talking about. Also, school records are not required by law to be released by a sitting president or presidential candidate.
Virtually everything else he said in basically BS....

Why think the birth certificate is true..:dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno:..

Because the State of Hawaii vouches for it?

Or do you not believe in states' rights?
Ahem, this needs to go to the SZ pretty soon.

Before it does, I'll ask this: When was the last time a President of the United States was required to provide BOTH his birth certificate and his school records to the media for scrutiny? Where do you find such a requirement in the CFRs? Finally, who was behind these demands, and what was their motivation?

Further, you are going to have a long, hard time proving to me that -most- POTUSs have above-average egos.
Regardless of anyone's political leanings I would hope that we could all agree that strapping on the flight suit and stringing up the "mission accomplished" banner was kind of embarrassing. If you want to talk about unmatched ego, we need not look further than the boy king himself.
Uh, yeah, except that Bush admitted that the banner conveyed the wrong message and was a mistake, so I guess his ego took an occasional break.

But on topic, the TFRs are political, just stupid. We had days of them in Dallas when all the former presidents were here. Stupid.
I don't even remember--were there TFRs for Presidents before 9/11?