Will Kumley's latest activity

  • Will Kumley
    Will Kumley replied to the thread E/AB final weight?.
    One of the first planes I considered purchasing was a dragonfly. Online searching showed that it should have had a useful load around...
  • Will Kumley
    Will Kumley reacted to donjohnston's post in the thread E/AB final weight? with Like Like.
    No. The kit manufacture could probably provide some information about this. I know that my Velocity came in at 1,874 lbs. One of...
  • Will Kumley
    I know the performance numbers and finished weight listed on many of the kit planes are optimistic at best, but I'm curious if there is...
  • Will Kumley
    Will Kumley replied to the thread Plane purchase 1st time.
    Definitely this! When I was searching for a plane I was blissfully unaware of how banks finance planes and assumed that because I could...