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      Velocity26 replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
      I initially contacted a DME and they tried, but failed to process the paperwork. They claimed they did not have options for that online...
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      Velocity26 reacted to Baked Potato's post in the thread DOGE and the FAA with Like Like.
      Nah. Everyone sees themselves as more persecuted than the next guy, and it's easy to label anyone on a different part of the political...
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      Velocity26 replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
      No offense, but a lot of things are "locked down" in the northern big cities, that are not in Florida.
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      Velocity26 replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
      I can tell you that, before COVID, you could walk into my local FSDO and they had full staff in the office and ask to speak with someone...
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      Velocity26 replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
      I recently had a situation where I needed to meet with an FAA official to process some paperwork that could not be handled by a DPE...
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