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  • Tools
    Tools reacted to Racerx's post in the thread Totally random trivia… with Like Like.
    Somewhere there's a public school teacher that would be proud....or surprised.
  • Tools
    Tools replied to the thread Magneto overhaul shops.
    Hmmm… saw that make on o-470s, so the shower of sparks jives. See? Shouldn’t EVER get rid of a plane! Now what ima gonna do? Ha!
  • Tools
    Tools replied to the thread Magneto overhaul shops.
    Ah… it’s on the nose of a experimental biplane, a Starduster Too… The TCDS for a -1 ONLY lists the S6LN-8, but there’s gotta be normal...
  • Tools
    Tools replied to the thread Magneto overhaul shops.
    Lycoming o-435-1. Off a Stinson L-5.
  • Tools
    Tools replied to the thread Growler Down.
    Not common, but not unheard of. Usually pretty colorful…. You see ‘em all the time, you maneuver to avoid them. All my buds that have...
  • Tools
    Tools replied to the thread FFS. I need a new hobby..
    But really, how is this unique to flying… this sort of REALLY horrible service is the norm in a disposable society. Sorry to hear it...
  • Tools
    Tools reacted to eman1200's post in the thread FFS. I need a new hobby. with Like Like.
    ain’t enough asterisks to describe that situation. sorry Jim.
  • Tools
    Tools reacted to Racerx's post in the thread Totally random trivia… with Like Like.
    Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Oklahoma
  • Tools
    Tools replied to the thread Totally random trivia….
    Same first letter as that state… @Racerx got it!
  • Tools
    Tools replied to the thread Totally random trivia….
    4 us states have capitals that begin with the same first letter…. No cheating.
  • Tools
    Tools reacted to MauleSkinner's post in the thread Totally random trivia… with Like Like.
    Before 2009 it would be, “I passed m checride on m sister’s birthda.”
  • Tools
    Tools replied to the thread Hangar Monthly Rent.
    Rolling door T, $450… I’m paying $550 for the end which has a roll up garage door, reasonable extra space and 220v… Gulf Shores, so a...
  • Tools
    Tools reacted to Velocity173's post in the thread Growler Down with Like Like.
    Some of this was probably around 200 agl. Thought I heard a rumor back in the day an A-6 went under a popular bridge along the route.
  • Tools
    Tools reacted to Pugs's post in the thread Growler Down with Like Like.
    The VR-1355 runs through there - Very popular route. I suspect I've flown it more than 100 times. These days it's a 500' AGL route (it...
  • Tools
    Tools reacted to 35 AoA's post in the thread Growler Down with Like Like.
    Yeah I was not involved, thanks for checking though