
Well thanks for having me but after doing tons of research and probably more dreaming I need would like some honest opinions from people that are currently in general aviation.

About me: I am currently a ground walker and have not even looked into flight schools to get a PPL. If I did get a PPL I would try and obtain IFR since I would not like weather to hold me back (of course sometimes the weather can ground anyone/any plane). I would eventually like to own my own aircraft but would like to think I have all the cost narrowed down but I am sure there is something I will leave out. I would prefer to buy a plane that I want to keep for a long time as well but there are a few complications it seems to do this.

As of this moment my flying would be done for my enjoyment and travel. This past Thanksgiving weekend I drove to relatives homes and spent about 30 hours total in the car. Needless to say the family was worn out by the time Sunday night came around. The wife
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