Rene's latest activity

  • Rene
    Rene reacted to MauleSkinner's post in the thread Thoughts on Bellanca's 7 ACA with Like Like.
    @Rene Depending on your goals, this could be a very good option.
  • Rene
    Rene replied to the thread Thoughts on Bellanca's 7 ACA.
    I might have considered that if I could have started this summer. But I cannot "rent" the aircraft without parental permission and that...
  • Rene
    Rene replied to the thread Do's and don'ts.
    Seriously, if I walk to my high school I pass three dispensaries and four liquor stores. If I drive to the airport where I work I pass...
  • Rene
    Rene reacted to TCABM's post in the thread Do's and don'ts with Like Like.
    Interesting word choice. The best thing you can do is understand the process, control alcohol, pot, and certain prescription medication...
  • Rene
    Rene reacted to William Pete Hodges's post in the thread Do's and don'ts with Like Like.
    I just read a book called "Healthy to 120". It says the same thing. Stay away from doctors unless you have to see them, and stay away...
  • Rene
    Rene reacted to Hugh Despenser's post in the thread Do's and don'ts with Like Like.
    Hello Rene, The only reason you should see a doctor at this point in your life is if you break a bone, pull a muscle, have a car...
  • Rene
    Rene reacted to William Pete Hodges's post in the thread Do's and don'ts with Like Like.
    You said your school hands these out all the time, but you didn't say if you use them or not. Methylphenidate is a disqualifier for an...
  • Rene
    Rene reacted to BillTIZ's post in the thread Do's and don'ts with Like Like.
    I would be asking why the school is dispensing drugs without a prescription. Are they now doctors and pharmacists?
  • Rene
    Rene reacted to Clip4's post in the thread Do's and don'ts with Like Like.
    If you are healthy now, just stay that way.
  • Rene
    Rene reacted to 455 Bravo Uniform's post in the thread Do's and don'ts with Like Like.
    Take care of your physical and mental health first, and stay out of trouble (follow the law).
  • Rene
    Rene reacted to ateamer's post in the thread Do's and don'ts with Like Like.
    Don’t go to a doctor unless you believe you have a medical problem. If you do, there are some folks on this forum who can get into...
  • Rene
    Rene replied to the thread Do's and don'ts.
    The district employs a nurse practitioner. Now, I'm just 17 . . . I'll be a senior in the fall . . . but dispensing free speed to...
  • Rene
    Rene replied to the thread Do's and don'ts.
    I play the guitar . . .. :rolleyes:
  • Rene
    Rene replied to the thread Do's and don'ts.
    I don't partake. And I know speed is a no-no even if the school says yes-yes. Since schools are not a place to learn, I guess the...
  • Rene
    Rene reacted to BaltimoreBill's post in the thread Thoughts on Bellanca's 7 ACA with Like Like.
    As Dana said, “it will make you a better pilot.” It will!!! I learned in a few different aircraft. Soloed in a Cherokee 140. Did most...