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      Psherwood01 replied to the thread $100 Poutine.
      You guys crack me up! I think I’ve had poutine once and wasn’t impressed. My son loves it and wants me to experience it in Quebec. I’m...
    • P
      Psherwood01 reacted to Chrisgoesflying's post in the thread $100 Poutine with Like Like.
      Poutine is just nasty. I’m Canadian. i ate it twice, both times when family came up to visit from abroad. Both times my stomach was...
    • P
      Psherwood01 reacted to SebIp's post in the thread $100 Poutine with Like Like.
      Just for poutine? Fees at Toronto city centre isn’t terrible. There are poutine and other options and you can take the shuttle to...
    • P
      Psherwood01 reacted to EdFred's post in the thread $100 Poutine with Like Like.
      Yes. Learn that those two words should never be used together in a sentence. :cool:
    • P
      I’m flying up to Burlington VT in a couple weeks to pick up my son who lives in Jeffersonville. He wants to take me to Canada to eat...
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