Kristin's latest activity

  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Beech V35 Midair Breakup.
    Mike Smith recognized the real problem with the V-tail and first certified a stub spar that anchored the front of the root rib of the...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread PA-31-350 Cylinder Temps.
    I don't like to see more then 435F in the climb and 400-420F in cruise. I ran a set of TIO-540-A2C engines in the Upper Midwest from...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Beech V35 Midair Breakup.
    Once they finally fixed the tail, the breakup of V-tails have been much rarer. This one does look like it did lose the LH ruddervator...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    More likely they have bigger fish to fry given the moribund anti-trust enforcement under prior administrations.
  • Kristin
    Kristin reacted to Chip Sylverne's post in the thread Wag-Aero's Demise with Like Like.
    A starter that was $600 in 2021 is now $1,500. A prop governor return spring that was $60 in December is $150 in January. These prices...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    What ship was listing? Certainly not Hartzell after their accumulation of monopolies or near monopolies on combustion heaters, engine...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    Two companies. The equity was private. Mine! Other family members have been very involved at the upper level of companies owned by...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    You apparently don't understand math. We have not had 30% inflation in the last year, or even the last three years in total. You...
  • Kristin
    Kristin reacted to Chip Sylverne's post in the thread Wag-Aero's Demise with Like Like.
    We could have along discussion on whether a 3 year horizon qualifies as long-term, but I'll leave that. The third alternative is that...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    Did these things happen, or are you just spinning a hypothetical here? Seems unlikely that Hartzell wasn't profitable as it has been...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    You must have been asleep during the 2012 election and missed all the discussion about Bain Capital, etc. Lots of examples if you want...
  • Kristin
    Kristin reacted to Chip Sylverne's post in the thread Wag-Aero's Demise with Like Like.
    PE is neither all corporate looters, nor all angel investors. Some are pretty much corporate looters, others careful to grow key parts...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    We can watch Hartzell in real time.
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    Yours is a malformed question in that I never said that there were private equity firms that "specialized" in off-shoring. However...
  • Kristin
    Kristin replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    Sometimes it works that way. Many times it does not.