Kitch's latest activity

  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to dbahn's post in the thread Done . . . with Like Like.
    Hell, I plan to maximize death itself. Vermont has a liberal "death with dignity" policy, which I will use, and my advance directive...
  • Kitch
    Kitch replied to the thread Advice for loooooong cross-country.
    Sounds like an epic trip and lots of great advice hear as always. Me personally I like 3 hour legs even if the airplane has the...
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to Jim K's post in the thread Logged my first multi time today with Like Like.
    In a pretty cool airplane: Our local EAA chapter hosted the Trimotor at MTO, and I volunteered to help. Took the family down for...
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to eman1200's post in the thread Daily Pic with Like Like.
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to Tools's post in the thread Advice for loooooong cross-country with Like Like.
    It’s like eating an elephant… one bite at a time. Approach EACH LEG as its own entity, analyzing the risks on their own and don’t even...
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to Jim_R's post in the thread Declared an emergency today with Like Like.
    My story is rather similar to the one @masloki posted back in January (here). In fact, some faint recollection of that post may have...
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to SFDukie's post in the thread Daily Pic with Like Like.
    Santa Rosa for dinner. Always appreciate our privilege- to go by air.
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to ahmad's post in the thread Daily Pic with Like Like.
    Navigating through some weather to get to Guntersville, Alabama and dinner in Nashville, TN. Very interesting flight to get around BNA...
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to ahmad's post in the thread Daily Pic with Like Like.
    What a day. Feel like I was the energizer bunny. 8 am departure to GYY. Back home by noon from GYY. Hop on the plane to get to M34 by...
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to ArrowFlyer86's post in the thread Daily Pic with Like Like.
    My passenger snapped some photos on a sunset flight yday and got a video of the sunset landing (it's a little loud). The sky looked...
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to Ed Haywood's post in the thread 34, feeling lost, lonely with Haha Haha.
    My wife says that every woman not married by 30 is crazy. I asked her how that is different from other women. Lead balloon.
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to bflynn's post in the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going? with Like Like.
    I've got an offer to ride with someone, but not sure about getting time off work. That darn work stuff is really interfering with my...
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to westslopeco's post in the thread New (kinda) POA member with Like Like.
    Here are some pics of yesterday's flight back to Delta. Everything is so green right now in the Yampa Valley!!
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to Randomskylane's post in the thread AOPA Rusty Pilots course with Haha Haha.
    Now do it on the 1,300 questions on the written ir test!
  • Kitch
    Kitch reacted to SFDukie's post in the thread Daily Pic with Like Like.
    I’d never been to Sonoma skypark-2 miles S of the town of Sonoma. So yesterday, I flew there. Great little strip.