jbarrass's latest activity

  • jbarrass
    jbarrass reacted to Half Fast's post in the thread DOGE and the FAA with Like Like.
    Those exact same pilots can use Basic Med, and many are. Yet the sky isn’t raining airplanes.
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
    WDD is right. The Class 3 for the initial cohort was over 2 decades ago (7/2006 minus 3 or 5 years). Sport Pilot has been in place a...
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass reacted to StraightnLevel's post in the thread DOGE and the FAA with Like Like.
    Sure. It's not that the people who work in government are incompetent or lazy. The question is whether or not the jobs that they do...
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
    Sure, Twitter lost 80% of revenue (advertising) but he cut costs 80% too, as a business guy, that's a wash. Number of users and posts is...
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass reacted to Jim K's post in the thread DOGE and the FAA with Like Like.
    I don't follow it that close, but I thought Twitter/X had surpassed the subscribers and revenue it had before he bought it? Also, I...
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
    I don't think the real doctors ever get hung up over a 40-year old traffic offense or a childhood prescription for a specific drug ...
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
    Can you specifically articulate what in a 3rd class exam a normal physician can't do?
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
    Nothing in the law say's the SI needs to be done by a Government Doctor. The FAA could make something like CACI but allow state...
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass reacted to Half Fast's post in the thread It's official... BasicMed expanded with Like Like.
    FIFY But in any case,... :cheers::happydance::rollercoaster::goofy:
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass reacted to Brad Z's post in the thread It's official... BasicMed expanded with Like Like.
    The final rule implementing the reauthorization provisions for BasicMed has been published. You can now fly planes with 7 seats, and...
  • jbarrass
    Progress is possible! Yeah!
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass replied to the thread DOGE and the FAA.
    So I'm an optimist about this process. Some of the problem programs are by law and will require more work to repeal, but many, many are...
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass reacted to Dana's post in the thread DOGE and the FAA with Like Like.
    Sure you can... you just make it optional, not required for domestic operations. If a pilot wants to fly internationally he can get a...
  • jbarrass
    jbarrass reacted to Jim K's post in the thread DOGE and the FAA with Like Like.
    I think it's not even really intentional. Some congressman gets a few million dollars for research at his state university system...
  • jbarrass
    I think the mods do a good job of getting it "about right" which is all you can ask. There are fragile feelings on each side and they...