Initial Fix's latest activity

  • Initial Fix
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix reacted to OneCharlieTango's post in the thread Beech V35 Midair Breakup with Like Like.
    Andy Rooney once said he hated to talk to doctors at cocktail parties. He worried that they didn't know any more about medicine than...
  • Initial Fix
    I ordered 2 AV-30s, the OAT, and the magnetometer, and am currently in the install process. My parking neighbor has a similar setup. I...
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix replied to the thread Done . . ..
    A friend hired local pilots to fly him all over the country in his plane once he couldn’t pass the medical anymore. He did that for...
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix replied to the thread Unverified.
    No idea on the Unverified airfields. I haven't looked, but are any of these closed fields in the Garmin / Jepp databases ? That makes...
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix reacted to Racerx's post in the thread Unverified with Like Like.
    I'd imagine in that case, someone didn't want to do the paperwork involved in getting it charted and just started mowing grass.
  • Initial Fix
    When I started watching I thought this was a simple knob setting gotcha - glad I've never done that ;) It wasn't until they were given...
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix replied to the thread Bonanza gear light.
    Doc nailed it, any local source for that bulb. To remove the cover, its just keep turning to close (counter clockwise l think). I just...
  • Initial Fix
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix replied to the thread Blue Angels IMAX.
    Just watched the documentary on my little 110” home theater screen. Sweet! My wife and I really liked it, but wanted more flying...
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix replied to the thread Beech V35 Midair Breakup.
    Good find, but that report points to imbalances in the rigging causing flutter. Granted there was a ruddervator involved.
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix replied to the thread Beech V35 Midair Breakup.
    I think this is a time to show your cards and point to specific NTSB reports instead of sending folks on a fishing expedition.
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix replied to the thread SCAM Warning.
    Scammers are bold and everywhere. I had a recent aviation related almost scam. Person was selling on Craigslist, which By itself is...
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix replied to the thread For Memorial Day.
    God bless those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can have our freedoms.
  • Initial Fix
    Initial Fix reacted to bflynn's post in the thread For Memorial Day with Like Like.
    On Memorial Day I remember my great uncle George who landed in Normandy on D-Day in either the second or third wave and was killed 2...