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    • H
      hoche replied to the thread Upgrade Help- VFR to IFR.
      I'm not sure what your budget is and you didn't mention what your current VOR display is. Typically you'll want to be able shoot RNAV...
    • H
      hoche replied to the thread JPI EDM log file converter.
      Ok, fixed a bunch of things in my lib: * figured out the flight times and when it shifts from 6sec to 1sec and back * fixed an issue...
    • H
      Switch it 10 miles out or not at all. I assume it's not near empty, but if so, why? You're running on a known fuel source that isn't...
    • H
      hoche replied to the thread JPI EDM log file converter.
      Hey everyone, I just saw this thread. I wrote a JPI logfile parser awhile back, but just now threw it up on github in case it's useful...
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