Half Fast's latest activity

  • Half Fast
    Half Fast reacted to TCABM's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    Eh, DR can be done IMC for the en route portion, it’s can be a lot more workload though if you’ve got a lot of fixes to hit. Direct? Fly...
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!.
    FIFY, but I don't really see what that has to do with the subject. ;)
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!.
    Yeah, that happens when all the punsters start to swarm around.
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast reacted to WDD's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    I think if we’re creating a modern back up to GPS we’d start from scratch and not just make a faster horse.
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread GPS backup.
    You might want to mention that to the pilots at Southwest.....
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread GPS backup.
    :yeahthat: Amen and amen, and again I say amen!
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread GPS backup.
    Yes, exactly. I missed the 70 mile statement, but that’s still pretty short.
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread GPS backup.
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread GPS backup.
    Yes, but I believe they're focusing on decommissioning the low altitude VORs and that the MON will be primarily high altitude stations...
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread I cant find a hangar..
    True, but what great opportunities await slum lords! (There are always two sides.) And at least you have rent-free use of a Florida...
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!.
    So just because you join CAP, that doesn't mean you can compel your wife to let you live with her. :biggrin:
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread Seattle Avionics.
    Hmmmm..... IANAL, but I wonder whether a better approach would be a couple of hundred lifetime subscribers all filing seperately in a...
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread Seattle Avionics.
    Did that make you feel better? :rolleyes2:
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!.
    Only if he still holds a USNR commission.
  • Half Fast
    Half Fast replied to the thread Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!.
    Nah, he’ll be in clover.