Recent content by Gone Flyin

  1. G

    Idaho is calling

    Still working on getting my field "up to code". Taken this long just to get it to the point I can see the lay of the land now. Question for you experienced backcountry flyers: This field will have a bit of a curve to it... a dog leg seems to be the common term used. Now much of an issue is that?
  2. G

    If you build it...

    Have not given up on my private airstrip dream :) Taken this long just to get it cleared to the point I can now see the lay of the land. Looks like I will have around 1300 feet of landing/takeoff area with another 100 to 150' of landing threshold that can be used for take off run up. A few...
  3. G

    Continental 0-200: HP -vs- cylinder compression - vs- RPM?

    Interesting. So, looking at the chart, above, on the left... Am I reading this correctly that (at sea level) at an RPM of 2750 (max for the 0-200) it is considered to be making 100% power and at around 2500 it is closer to 90%? Reason I'm asking... pilot friend with a 150G said his IA has his...
  4. G

    Continental 0-200: HP -vs- cylinder compression - vs- RPM?

    Wondering if anyone has any data to that will help compare the Continental 0-200's RPM and cylinder compression to the horsepower it is producing. In other words... this, from the internet: "The Continental 0-200 will give its maximum rated HP of 100, for a period not exceeding 5 minutes, at...
  5. G

    Running 7.00-6 tires ?

    More pressure = more bounce and, probably, more stiffness in the tread = more bounce. I plan to do some testing this week... landing again at the 21 they are now and then lowering the pressure a bit and landing again. The Cessna 150 being a light plane and with just me in it (also 150) might be...
  6. G

    Running 7.00-6 tires ?

    The 21PSI is specified for the C150 in the POH. Not sure how that relates to having stiffer treads... if at all. From memory, it seems I had a "flatter" bottom to the OEM tires at that same PSI, which might account for the less bouncy landing I'm used to getting. I'll keep at it ;), thanks.
  7. G

    Running 7.00-6 tires ?

    I finally got around to installing the 4-ply Monster Retreads (with new tubes) on my mains (Cessna 150M) and I'm having some issues maybe you can reply to. Flew to three airports on Friday and I bounced on initial landing at every one. The first, at Block Island, was maybe 4 to 6 feet high...
  8. G

    Idaho is calling

    Interesting. Yes, the new owners of Goodspeed have gone out of their way to make it a go-to place. Just spent a ton of $$ to remake the seaplane dock bigger and better. They allow landing on the grass and that now has big yellow cone markings. Still no fuel and not likely to get any. The...
  9. G

    Idaho is calling

    Interesting and good to know... thanks! I'm in the process of building such a STOlport in the Northeast. If all goes well (and I can get it past the powers that be) I might have it ready by years end or early next. Not fair that Idaho should have all the fun. This place will offer camping...
  10. G

    Idaho is calling

    Found a couple in Vermont and three in my state of Ct. One of which is my home base, Goodspeed. Hardly a backcountry strip, although, they do allow you to land on the grass or the asphalt. STOLport: A STOLport or STOLPORT was an airport designed with STOL operations in mind, usually for an...
  11. G

    uAvionix skyBeacon: A false sense of security?

    As the original poster to this thread, glad to hear you got it fixed :) I still feel these wing and tail mounted uAvionics devices are way more trouble than they're worth. Someone above called them a "temporary solution" but for north of $2,000 they should work out of the box without having...
  12. G

    Idaho is calling

    Appreciate the reply.
  13. G

    Running 7.00-6 tires ?

    I was hoping there had been some work done since 1976 that might address using different size tires. In fact, they was. There was/is the update to using a heavier duty nose wheel strut and that would allow the use of larger mains tires. Cost in the thousands. I only wanted to know if I could...
  14. G

    Running 7.00-6 tires ?

    I'm looking forward to trying them out. I need new tires and rotors anyway and want to do more grass strip landings so I'm glad you made the suggestion to go with the Monster Retreads. BTW: I contacted Cessna, on advice from a flying friend, but got nowhere. The senior engineer would not...
  15. G

    If you build it...

    Interestingly, Vermont has some 65 private airstrips registered with the state. Only a few are listed with the FAA.... this is not a requirement but can help you later on. The former head of what was called the "Dept. of Aeronautics" was apparently keen on private strips based on some of the...