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      FlyingFarmer replied to the thread SPL vs PPL.
      Is the new MOSAIC proposal from last July seeming to be the final ruling on LSAs or is this just another suggestion to dream about...
    • F
      FlyingFarmer replied to the thread SPL vs PPL.
      Where did you find this? I assumed it would be but everything I’ve read doesn’t mention instrument flying
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      FlyingFarmer replied to the thread SPL vs PPL.
      I grew up flying around the farm, and I’d like to think I’m a little ahead of most students. My CFI said the only thing holding me back...
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      FlyingFarmer reacted to Half Fast's post in the thread SPL vs PPL with Like Like.
      It's a fair point. Typically the most time-consuming task to learn is landings. Learning to land a light sport can take longer than a...
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      FlyingFarmer reacted to Gilbert Buettner's post in the thread SPL vs PPL with Like Like.
      All of the training requirements for Sport Pilot can be used later to help qualify for additional training to become a Private Pilot...
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      FlyingFarmer posted the thread SPL vs PPL in Pilot Training.
      I am about 6-7 hours of flight training into getting my PPL at a part 61 flight school. Every minute I am not at school I spend working...
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