flyingcheesehead's latest activity

  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to midlifeflyer's post in the thread Flying club q’s with Like Like.
    Separation of ownership of the aircraft from operation of the club. Essentially, the owner LLC will lease the airplane to the club. Not...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to crash7's post in the thread Flying club q’s with Like Like.
    If I understand correctly, if this club limits who can teach in its aircraft then you’re going to be subject to 91.409(b) 100 hr...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead replied to the thread GPS backup.
    Given that the standard service volume of an NDB was only 25 miles IIRC, you're gonna need a lot of 'em. There are better options...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to Pinecone's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    VOR is the big round flat building with the witch's hat in the center. And there is an outer ring of antennas. TACAN is a small...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to KE5BM's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    After the 9/11 attacks, ATC got over 4,500 aircraft on the ground in less than 3 hours. And that was before the days of RNAV/GPS being...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to Half Fast's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    The OP very specifically said: So please explain how that AM broadcast station will let you fly an IFR approach, unless it happens to...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to Pinecone's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    The problem is not the size of the transmitter, it is the size of the antenna required to get decent range.
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to Pinecone's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    This has come up before. My suggestion is for the GPS nav companies to add a DME receiver to the GPS and VORs. This would allow...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to WDD's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    I think if we’re creating a modern back up to GPS we’d start from scratch and not just make a faster horse.
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to chemgeek's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    If IFR in radar contact, your GPS backup is your COM. ATC can give vectors to get you where you need to go. GPS approach backup is your...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to WDD's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    Interesting topic 1) Like stated above, why not have a device that can pick up multiple frequencies and triangulate your position...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to TCABM's post in the thread GPS backup with Like Like.
    Collins has a gps-aided micro INS out now for the homebuilt crowd now that continue to perform in the absence of GPS and connects using...
  • flyingcheesehead
    What is your experience level? What type aircraft are you taking? What are you doing when you get there, and how much schedule...
    • IMG_7187.JPG
  • flyingcheesehead
    I used to be a member of a flying club that had an old Archer that had a notoriously unreliable nose strut. We'd have it rebuilt every...
  • flyingcheesehead
    flyingcheesehead reacted to DavidWhite's post in the thread Flying with low/flat strut with Like Like.
    We have a member here who did an emergency takeoff when the airport he was at started getting mortared. FWIW, don’t fly with that flat...