dbahn's latest activity

  • dbahn
    I must lead a sheltered life. What’s the particular beef with Zuckerman, who I’ve never heard of.
  • dbahn
    dbahn replied to the thread Private Sale or Broker?.
    Good point, and I'll need to look into that as well. I'm now the sole shareholder of the stock in a Corporation that owns the plane...
  • dbahn
    dbahn replied to the thread Private Sale or Broker?.
    My daughter is an accountant with a law degree (although she's not allowed to combine them professionally without additional...
  • dbahn
    dbahn replied to the thread Private Sale or Broker?.
    Good advice, but none of the heirs will fly it and it's not of much real sentimental value. I've made an effort to keep it from sitting...
  • dbahn
    dbahn replied to the thread Private Sale or Broker?.
    Haha. It's 225 and has ample power to cruise at interstate speed with both my wife and me. It's a wonderful machine in that respect...
  • dbahn
    dbahn replied to the thread Private Sale or Broker?.
    Thanks. All of those thoughts have been on my mind. One hooker is capital gains, largely due to inflation even though we also made...
  • dbahn
    dbahn reacted to Walboy's post in the thread Private Sale or Broker? with Like Like.
    Three thoughts: 1) If you don't get the airplane sold while you're alive, your estate will sell it and the trustee/administrator...
  • dbahn
    dbahn replied to the thread Private Sale or Broker?.
    Here's an UPDATE and question: As I've posted on another thread, it turns out that I have a gliobastoma, which carries a bad prognosis...
    • 246VT03.jpg
  • dbahn
    dbahn replied to the thread Dan Gryder Lockheed Electra Crash.
    When you look closely as the tailwheel first hits the gound, it comes off the ground for a second or two while it rotates into a left...
  • dbahn
    Also, work on a compass view everywhere you go, i.e. "I'm heading north. How would I approach runway xx?" It's a good mental exercise.
  • dbahn
    Go visit a tower. Talk to the folks. At least here, tower loves having pilots visit. I think once your brain realizes they are just...
  • dbahn
    Yoy'll notice in the responses so far how easy it is for the people responding. It will be for you as well. You're just in a little...
  • dbahn
    dbahn reacted to Piperonca's post in the thread Done . . . with Like Like.
    From the New York Times today: The Opaque Industry Secretly Inflating Prices for Prescription Drugs
  • dbahn
    dbahn replied to the thread Done . . ..
    Thanks. My logic for openly sharing is simple. Avoid dealing with a group of friends where some know exactly what's going on and...
  • dbahn
    dbahn replied to the thread Dan Gryder Lockheed Electra Crash.
    It's hard to do what may be the only thing that can sometimes pull you out of that predicament - i.e. adding power (especially true if...