Dan Thomas's latest activity

  • Dan Thomas
    Separate markets. The guys that want an auto-engined airplane will pay for it. The guys that are skeptical of them won't. In my...
  • Dan Thomas
    Dan Thomas replied to the thread C150 or C152.
    Lycoming published, in 2004, an SB regarding valve guide wear. The new guides in 1999 eliminated the problem, but there were and are...
  • Dan Thomas
    Add up the costs. That's where the reality hits you. For instance, you can probably buy the engine mount to fit the Lycoming to the 801...
  • Dan Thomas
    Dan Thomas replied to the thread C150 or C152.
    I have found that, but it showed up on compression testing LONG before the valve ever hung up. The valve starts striking the seat just a...
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  • Dan Thomas
    You did this to yourself...
  • Dan Thomas
    So the threat of litigation has pushed good old American ingenuity and know-how off the table?
  • Dan Thomas
    I wonder what the cost of all that might be? Might be more than they can stand. Getting qualified engineers now won't be easy, and the...
  • Dan Thomas
    The reason they failed is because they moved to Chicago and let accountants design the airplanes. They should move back to Seattle and...
  • Dan Thomas
    Might be a good idea to get the elevator rigging checked. If it's a couple of inches away from the firewall, it's likely getting too...
  • Dan Thomas
    Dan Thomas replied to the thread C150 or C152.
    Valve sticking is usually caused by valve stem clearances being at the minimum, not loose. It takes only a tiny bit of oxide and varnish...
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  • Dan Thomas
    Dan Thomas replied to the thread McCauley prop corrosion.
    The prop shop doesn't have to do it. A mechanic with a decent pair of eyeballs and the dimensions for that prop can do it. Some prop...
  • Dan Thomas
    Dan Thomas replied to the thread McCauley prop corrosion.
    Periodic prop removal and inspection would catch this stuff before it trashed the prop. I don't think our Canadian five-year corrosion...
  • Dan Thomas
    But six airplanes hardly qualifies as this: There were more that 44,000 172s built. Many of those have been or are used in flight...
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  • Dan Thomas
    Dan Thomas replied to the thread C150 or C152.
    If it wasn't locking properly, the AD was not complied with. What appears in the logs is not what is necessarily true in the airplane. I...