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      Chesterfield replied to the thread New PPL.
      Thank you all for your responses. I have read all your comments, such a helpful community. Today I took my first pleasure flight with a...
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      Chesterfield reacted to Rgbeard's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      I would recommend enjoying your newfound freedom for a few months first. Get some $100 cheeseburgers, and take a friend to someplace...
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      Chesterfield reacted to ColinD's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      Congratulations! Personally, I flew about 150 hours between earning Private and starting my Instrument training, and I finished IR...
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      Chesterfield reacted to PilotRPI's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      As mentioned use time in between to start knocking out the cross country hours. If you have time and want to start studying for the ifr...
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      Chesterfield reacted to midlifeflyer's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      Congratulations. If IFR is in your future, it’s never too early to start getting your head in the game. But as a new pilot, there is...
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      Chesterfield reacted to Scott@KTYR's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      Congrats on your PPL!! Yes any knowledge on IFR is a good idea!!!
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      Chesterfield reacted to robin ardoin's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      I suggest enrolling in an online IR ground school and start that process in your non-flying free time. You can run through the video...
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      Chesterfield reacted to Kitch's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      Congratulations on the PPL Best advice I got was go fly a lot. The more you fly the more lessons you learn. Go get aggravated by...
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      Chesterfield reacted to sansoneservices's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      Hold off for a while.. enjoy.. practice landings until you REALLY grease it in
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      Chesterfield reacted to write-stuff's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      It is a good idea to get a head start on your instrument training, but I wouldn't expect to be doing any IFR procedures on your first or...
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      Chesterfield reacted to rockwoodrv9a's post in the thread New PPL with Like Like.
      I cant give you info on starting IFR training but congratulations on getting your PPL. I am getting ready for my first bi-annual flight...
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      Chesterfield posted the thread New PPL in Flight Following.
      Hello all, Yesterday I got my PPL and I beyond excited. I am going to have a few weeks off training and just enjoy it with local...
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