Recent content by catmandu

  1. catmandu

    trouble light, work light

    The one I hang/wedge/stick to non-alum/bite with my teeth: Starting to use this on my head more and more, after seeing ads on FB and searching for the cheaper version...
  2. catmandu

    WTF, over? (Video of a bad landing and go around)

    How in the heck did they have that much excess energy after coming in for the break? I summarily dismiss them from the Van's Air Force. Good day sir. I said good day!
  3. catmandu

    Customer service rant

    Forget it, he's on a roll. ;)
  4. catmandu

    Customer service rant

    An hour ago at the grocery store, the older cashier did in fact pick up her phone and answer a text as she was checking me out (using voice to text). But, she also spent almost five minutes helping me navigate the chain's app so that I could get an extra $1.50 off the box of White Cheddar...
  5. catmandu

    Any experience in Higher power hangar door

    Our condo hangars got rebuilt with 24 of them, I have not heard of any major problems with them post installation. My particular door had issues closing perfectly vertical, solved that by actually installing the plates for the lower latching hooks to grab onto (builder had left them...
  6. catmandu

    Contacting current (female) owner of my former airplane - wanting to avoid any perception of "cyberstalking"

    Include your photo of you in your Clown suit standing in front of the plane, that will diffuse the situation. Just kidding. As much as I want to say "what if you were female and she was male," I believe Half Fast has the right angle to pursue, to attempt to deflect certain sensitivities should...
  7. catmandu

    Broken Yaesu 450 Antenna

    I am on my second round of heat shrink on the original antenna due to twice cracked casing, works fine.
  8. catmandu

    good movies I might not have seen?

    Slow Horses (appleTV+) Good characters surrounded by espionage. Nice, compact six episode seasons I’ve been watching on transcontinental flights.
  9. catmandu

    How much money should I expect to make in the industry??

    It is all about timing and luck. The industry is cyclical, and unexpected things will happen. If yours is bad, you can expect to make a living. If yours is good, you can expect to live very, very well, even in retirement. Plan and live your life for the worst case, at least until you are 40...
  10. catmandu

    Henning gone west

    Sometimes your want to be heroes are just, not.
  11. catmandu

    What's For Dinner?

    A favorite is One Pan Mexican Key-no. Even my 84-year-old “l only eat pan-fried hot dogs for lunch” Uncle likes it. Add a pound of ground turkey for a little bit of texture and anti-vegetarianism.
  12. catmandu

    Car Sellers Beware

    Cashier's checks have lost their luster due to scams like this. Wire transfers can even be suspect. I now ask buyers to provide their bank manager’s phone number so my bank manager can verify things. Otherwise, no sale.
  13. catmandu

    South Lake Tahoe ((KTVL) ground transport to heavenly (and KMMH to mammoth)

    Gondola’s closed, moose out front should have told ya.
  14. catmandu

    How Many Planes Do You Have

    We own an RV-S8, pushing hard for a twin, but I need BTC to top six figures for that, methinks. I have access to two more. In the vein of my unsafe brother, M'lady has access to 360, but that number drops to 59 shortly.
  15. catmandu

    Yet another I hate modern cars rant

    Admit it, you actually have a problem with the horse, and are projecting on the poor Edge.