Recent content by camorton

  1. camorton

    Thick black sticky residue under my wing.

    The sticky goo is tape adhesive. When they install (or replace) the bladder, it's standard procedure to tape over all of the seams and rivet heads in the bay so they don't poke or abrade the bladder and shorten it's life. When the bladder starts to leak, the fuel dissolves the tape adhesive...
  2. camorton

    Door seals not worth it

    The Cessna window seal I bought from this company ( was stick-on foam weather stripping identical to what you would find at the big box store. Only difference is they charge $60/roll. Needless to say I sent it back. Kind of odd the site does not show a close-up or...
  3. camorton

    Air-to-Air Cessna 172 SP

    King of the Golden Hour! Next time try it airborne!
  4. camorton

    Garmin EIS 275 - data logging with G5

    The 275 has a built-in VFR GPS. You just have to connect an antenna. It won't log that position and altitude with the engine data? C.
  5. camorton

    Wheel Balancing

    Self-balancing? Uh, no. Self-unbalancing? Sure. You can line up the red dot with the valve stem of the tube and hope for the best with a new tire. Kinda works most of the time. I found a go-kart wheel balancer on eBay that works well for a static balance for very little $$$. If you're trying...
  6. camorton

    Fixed gear temporarily for insurance purposes?

    To be clear, the reason the insurance for a retractable will always be 2x (usually more) than an equivalent fixed gear model is because of the possibility of a gear-up (and all the associated repairs). Very little of the premium is due to your lack of experience in type. C.
  7. camorton

    Wing walking thrill rides shut down, pilot/operator loses license

    Yeah, I actually witnessed this activity at KSZP about two months ago. It seemed so crazy at the time, I thought I must have misunderstood what was going on. Glad to hear the FAA stepped in before someone got hurt. C.
  8. camorton

    Avionics database/interface info

    There is a lot of stuff here:
  9. camorton

    Cessna Generator Troubleshooting

    I'd never say a generator is better than an alternator. All else being equal, I'd go for the alternator, too. But that's not the case here. The OP is looking to trouble-shoot an existing system that has worked well previously. If he can find the actual fault, the solution is probably a .50...
  10. camorton

    Cessna Generator Troubleshooting

    Owner takes 60 year-old airplane to the shop with charging issues. A&P replaces generator, then the regulator, then the battery in succession - still intermittent problems! Owner drops $2K plus another $1K in labor to install alternator conversion kit (which BTW happens to come with all new...
  11. camorton

    Cessna Generator Troubleshooting

    I would advise exactly the opposite. The generator system is stone-simple, reliable and a heck of a lot cheaper to fix than dropping $2K on an alternator kit. I'm sorry I can't tell you exactly what is wrong, but I do know this: 1. Don't replace the expensive parts (generator, regulator)...
  12. camorton

    Aviation License Plates

    I don't usually go for personalized plates or N numbers, but back when I learned to fly at Van Nuys airport there what a guy with a plate that read 'FLY2VNY'. I thought that was cool. C.
  13. camorton

    Cessna 182 Exhaust Clamps

    Magman is thinking of the earlier 182s that did have clamps on all six risers. It's a problem area as leakage at the junctions is common. It's tempting to over-tighten the bolts to reduce leaks but that just results in a cracked clamp ($$$). The stacks distort over time with heat cycles and...
  14. camorton

    Garmin GTN Installation Level of Difficulty

    I say go for it. I've installed the GPS175 (and I'm an ME not an EE!). Really only a handful of wires. Read the docs, all you need to know is in there. C.
  15. camorton

    Students are "Learners" now...........

    You haven't heard about the new 'Learner Pilot Certificate'?