brien23's latest activity

  • brien23
    brien23 reacted to MauleSkinner's post in the thread DPE PPL price with Like Like.
    Because the CFI applicants have figured out how to peak on checkride day and then rapidly regress?
  • brien23
    Your not the first or the last to be hit with this problem, uninsured aircraft owners are out their some fly junk aircraft some fly real...
  • brien23
    brien23 replied to the thread DPE PPL price.
    One of the problems most instructors are new and by the time they know what they are doing they leave for the airlines.
  • brien23
    brien23 posted the thread DPE PPL price in Pilot Training.
    New price for DPE PPL $900. and $600. for retest, local DPE just raised price and still has long waiting time to schedule. What are...