Brad Z's latest activity

  • Brad Z
    Brad Z replied to the thread Wag-Aero's Demise.
    That was going to be my guess. Seems like a lot of boomer-built businesses were either 1) had no heirs interested in taking over the...
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z reacted to jbarrass's post in the thread The death of an insitution with Like Like.
    I was in Scouts, both my kids (1 girl, 1 boy) are too. Couple thoughts. Scouting is not really coed, there are separate boy and girl...
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z reacted to midlifeflyer's post in the thread IFR out of airports with no IAP with Like Like.
    Don't listen to that guy. Mike Kilo rarely knows what he's talking about :D Asking them was part of the research into current examples...
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z replied to the thread IFR out of airports with no IAP.
    Funny, I was listening to recent Opposing Bases podcast episode and patron Mike Kilo brought up this very topic...I though it sounded...
  • Brad Z
    I'm in a similar boat. I recall my doc said I needed to up my fiber intake and exercise to boost my HDL.
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z replied to the thread The death of an insitution.
    IMO, the push to include girls was driven by a desire to increase membership by opening up to an entire demographic equal in size to...
  • Brad Z
    Your cardiologist, who knows your condition better than any of us do, already said 6 months. What answer are you hoping for?
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z replied to the thread Empty cargo planes roam the skies.
    ...and no route short cuts!
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z reacted to Shuckers86's post in the thread Empty cargo planes roam the skies with Like Like.
    I flew “sweep” flights for FedEx many times. The worst of them all was the KDEN-KMEM. You never knew where you would land. Most of the...
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z replied to the thread The death of an insitution.
    One of the things I'm seeing is that sports (especially travel sports!) have dominated the suburban family scene, making it near...
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z replied to the thread The death of an insitution.
    My understanding is that girls will be in separate troops from the boys. There may be some overlap at organized events, but I think the...
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z reacted to SFDukie's post in the thread The death of an insitution with Like Like.
    Scouting is important andf fantastic. And there are many places where it is thriving. San Francisco, for example (contrary to the...
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z reacted to dfw11411's post in the thread The death of an insitution with Like Like.
    As many others, I gained much from scouting. I accomplished almost everything possible and our troop was large and vibrant. One summer...
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z replied to the thread The death of an insitution.
    Are you upset with the name change or the fact that they allowed girls in 5 years ago? Technically back then they changed the name of...
  • Brad Z
    Brad Z replied to the thread Base leg altitude.
    I think you're reading in way too much from the TP case. I fly out of an airport that has significant encroachment from residential...