Bill's latest activity

  • Bill
    Bill reacted to Jim_R's post in the thread Weird ways to get fired at work with Like Like.
    The question wasn't, "How would you act?" The question was: "Is it legal?" Try again: "Yes" or "No"?
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to hindsight2020's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
    That's...wait for the eye of the beholder :rofl: . I'm on a roll this week :biggrin:
  • Bill
    Bill replied to the thread Morality.
    That would be unbearable.
  • Bill
    Speaking of back in the air..after 2.5 years my Cherokee 140, AKA Broom Hilda, is flying again. I had to replace all 4 cylinders (long...
  • Bill
    Bill replied to the thread Morality.
    I regularly attend church and am a believer, and do believe Jesus died on the cross for the sins of man, but I also grapple greatly with...
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to kayoh190's post in the thread 2024 Goals with Like Like.
    Didn't get as much GA flying in as I wanted (25 hours - ugh), but there was a lot of change over the summer. New house, new job for my...
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to SixPapaCharlie's post in the thread 2024 Goals with Like Like.
    Welp, I lost my job in March so I knocked goal 1 out early. I did get paid to fly but not in any sustainable sense. I'm told to expect...
  • Bill
    Bill replied to the thread Morality.
    The Israelis get this right.
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to murphey's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
    I'm grading final projects, next weekend will be the CAP funeral and grading exams. Not looking forward to any of this except....4...
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to wanttaja's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
    For that matter, what proof do we have that anything has *changed*? What would have been the result/conclusion of a similar analysis...
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to Zeldman's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
    What is ''organized'' religion? Our church is organized, that is we hold services every Sunday and Wednesday, But correct. People...
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to Rene's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to midwestpa24's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
    Let me preface this, I am not deeply religious, despite being raised in such a family. Today's society has moved away from organized...
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to midlifeflyer's post in the thread Morality with Like Like.
    Yep. As someone else said, "What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They...
  • Bill
    Bill reacted to jordane93's post in the thread Daily Pic with Like Like.
    First GA hours logged in almost 5 years. My friend’s landing was slightly better:)