asicer's latest activity

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    asicer replied to the thread Radio LED brightness.
    Um, no. Nixie tube characters are not segmented. Vacuum fluorescent displays are.
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    asicer replied to the thread PoA newbie help.
    And don't forget that those long term costs have a nasty way of becoming short term cost from time to time.
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    asicer replied to the thread Radio LED brightness.
    Having flown with a KX-155 that had the LED conversion, my opinion is that it wasn't as clear or bright as a properly functioning stock...
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    Have you considered that maybe it's the photographer that's incredible rather than the camera? ;)
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    asicer reacted to Jim K's post in the thread Logged my first multi time today with Like Like.
    In a pretty cool airplane: Our local EAA chapter hosted the Trimotor at MTO, and I volunteered to help. Took the family down for...
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    asicer replied to the thread Whiskey compass don't like G's.
    I'm told that if a shop is doing the work, installing an Airpath seal kit is not much less cost than installing whole new Airpath...
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    asicer replied to the thread engine out, reducing drag.
    Correct me if I'm wrong but here's the scenario: The engine failed and it's obviously a complete shutdown. You pitch for best airspeed...
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    asicer replied to the thread New Dual GI 275 Bundles -Promo.
    Buys you synthetic vision and yet another a moving map with traffic and weather. Depending on configuration, can also remote control a...
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    asicer replied to the thread Oregon Aero MicMuff cover.
    Thanks for the report. Does the purported noise reduction make a difference in the fully enclosed cabin of your typical...
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    asicer replied to the thread engine out, reducing drag.
    In many of those situations, the prop already made the stop-vs-windmill decision for you. And if there were a chance for the engine to...
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    asicer replied to the thread Time between filing and flying.
    You say that as if the estimated departure time needs to be accurate within a minute or two. I think it doesn't.
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    asicer replied to the thread engine out, reducing drag.
    You can count me in the "FLY THE PLANE" camp. In an engine out situation, you should be more concerned with what the wing is doing...
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    To be fair, software engineers seem to be on a quest to eliminate themselves these days.
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    I searched for "Narco BP-600". This came back as the first hit: